8 Leaders The EconomistFebruary 24th 2018
HE new president of South
Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, has
a heck of a mess to clear up (see
page 42). Under Jacob Zuma,
who was forced to resign last
week, corruption thrived, the
law was mocked and investors
fled. Unemployment, including
those who have given up hope of finding work, is an alarming
36%. Public debt is soaring: the budget released on February
21st expects it to rise to 56% ofGDPby 2023, up from 26% in
2009 when Mr Zuma took over. Economic growth slumped
from an average of 5% in the five pre-Zuma years to 1.5% on his
watch, barely keeping up with the rise in population. Schools
are in chaos, public health is a disgrace and Cape Town is run-
ning out of water. Mr Ramaphosa needs to move fast to restore
the rule of law, revive investor confidence and fix public ser-
vices. He should start by hiring good people.
That would be a huge change. Mr Zuma chose his lieuten-
ants not fortheir honesty or competence but fortheir pliability
and loyalty. Spotless integrity was not required, even for those
charged with upholding the law. The country’s chief prosecu-
tor had been caught lying under oath; his deputy was struck
off the roll of lawyers for misleading a court. The head of an
anti-corruption police agency was appointed after a judge
ruled that he was dishonest. When picking bosses for state-
owned companies, Mr Zuma appears to have taken advice
from his friends, the Gupta brothers, who are accused by the
former Public Protector of “capturing” the state for their own
ends. Throughout Mr Zuma’s time in power, uselessministers
were allowed to doze through parliamentary sessions and pre-
side over collapsing departments—as long as they were loyal.
To get South Africa working again, crooked and inept back-
sides must be removed from powerful seats. But do it cautious-
ly, some are warning Mr Ramaphosa. His position is not whol-
ly secure, they whisper. He only narrowly defeated Mr Zuma’s
supporters within the ruling African National Congress
(ANC). Too swift a clean-up might be perceived as a purge of
his enemies. It could split the ANCand perhaps even spark vio-
lence in KwaZulu-Natal, Mr Zuma’s home province.
Personnel is policy
Poppycock. The risks of timidity far outweigh those of bold-
ness. Mr Ramaphosa cannot begin to reform South Africa
without honest and capable public servantsrunning the state
and its companies. If he leaves the worst people from the
Zuma era in place, they will continue to bilk and bungle—and
Mr Ramaphosa’s presidency will end in failure. Now, when
voters have such high hopes, is the time to act.
First, Mr Ramaphosa should put good people in charge of
the national finances and the criminal-justice system. Then he
should go through all the top-level jobs over which he or par-
liament has control, dumping the dross and hiring talent.
There are plenty of fine administrators in South Africa who
would be happy to work for Mr Ramaphosa (and there is no
reason why he should not hire foreigners for some jobs). So
even a vigorous clean-up need not be unduly disruptive. On
the contrary, it should re-energise a state whose honest em-
ployees have been crying out for better leadership.
Mr Ramaphosa should not be vindictive and, mindful of
the precedent, he should be seen to be fair. But if he appoints
good investigators and prosecutors and letsthem do their jobs
without interference, it is a fair bet that they will look into the
many allegations ofskulduggery against Mr Zuma’s pals. If
malefactors in high places are dealt with firmly and impartial-
ly, that will deter others and signal to investors that the rule of
law still applies in South Africa. Meanwhile, Mr Ramaphosa
will be able to start on the other tasks in his gigantic in-tray. 7
New president, new hope
How to fix South Africa
Cyril Ramaphosa can make big changes just by hiring honest, competent people
EAD has proved to be such a
useful, malleable metal that
it turns up everywhere, from
water pipes to window flashing
and printing type. It went into
car batteries, and into additives
that gave petrol more vroom. It
also helped make bright pig-
ments, used to paint walls, metalwork and toys.
Yet lead is also a poison, and its ubiquity makes it a perni-
cious one (see page 51). In the worst cases it causes comas, con-
vulsions and death. More often it acts insidiously. It is a men-
ace to toddlers, who are most likely to ingest contaminated
dust and paint chips. Their brains are especially vulnerable.
Only years after exposure are the results apparent in lowerIQs,
behavioural disorders and learning disabilities.
The dangers of lead have long been known. America
banned it from paint 40 years ago, and bythe late 1990s leaded
petrol had been phased out in almost all rich countries. But the
effects linger. Half a million American children are diagnosed
with lead poisoning. The situation is more alarming in the
poor world, where the use of lead-based paints is spreading.
Curbing lead poisoning more than pays for itself. There is little
excuse for poor countries to repeat the mistakes of rich ones.
The Romans did themselves no good by using lead for wa-
ter pipes and sometimes even as a food sweetener. In 1786 Ben-
Public health
As black as painted
Lead poisoning still does terrible damage to young minds