asiaSpa India - January-February 2018

(Wang) #1



38 asiaSpa India January-February 2018

Location: Westin Woods,
The Westin Mumbai Garden City

I decided to give it a shot, and here I am. I love the
country and am so glad to have come here.

What were you like as a child?
I was a very quiet child and lived in my
own world for the most part. I was never
much of a talker, but always a good listener.
I wanted my parents to be proud of me and so,
I did well in school. I started to learn dancing.
The odd thing is that, even as a kid, I was very
serious. After school, I would go for a variety of
classes – English, dancing and painting. I am
very grateful to my parents for giving me such a
secure and enriched childhood.

And your hobbies?
I have loved Russian theatre and ballet since
I was very young. Whenever I’m back home, I
make it a point to visit the theatre to watch some
of the latest productions. Besides that, I enjoy
reading and watching movies.

What is the best way to destress after a long day?
I love putting on my favourite music and doing a
45-minute cardio workout. It helps me unwind.
I also enjoy massages and pamper myself with
visits to the spa regularly.

Which is your favourite spa?
It would have to be the The Ritz-Carlton Spa in
Moscow. It’s the only spa in Russia to collaborate
with La Prairie and their facial treatments deliver
instant and long-lasting results.

Which has been your most indulgent
spa experience?
When I was in China recently, my friends and I
visited Hua Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou.
The luxurious treatment rooms there are bathed
in natural light that filters through the floor-to-
ceiling windows. And while that is therapeutic in
itself, it’s the traditional ‘Chinese Massage’ that
makes me long to be back there again.
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