Vatican II Behind the Iron Curtain

(WallPaper) #1


between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of Poland. The
Council also triggered an efflorescence of independent activism
by the Polish Catholic laity. Finally—and perhaps most impor-
tantly from the standpoint of the universal Church—it made an
international player of Karol Wojtyła, the future John Paul II.

Poland: How “Silent” prior to Vatican II?

When Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, primate of Poland, was taken
into custody by functionaries of the Polish secret police on Sep-
tember 25, 1953, it seemed that the last bastion of Catholic au-
tonomy behind the Iron Curtain had fallen silent. By this time,
Josif Slipyj, Alojzije Stepinac, Josef Beran, and József Mindszen-
ty had all been in prison for years.
In Poland, Stalinism’s attack on the Church had seemed more
a creeping infiltration than a frontal assault.18 After an uneasy,
but overall amicable, first two years of coexistence, the relation-
ship between the Polish episcopate and Poland’s postwar Com-
munist establishment became more strained—but still tenable.19
Although clergy who had been active in interwar public life or
had fought in the wartime resistance were persecuted, impris-
oned, or killed as part of an ongoing “civil war” between Com-
munist authorities and remnants of the Home Army,20 episcopal
authorities pursued a path of accommodation, even signing a
memorandum of understanding with the government in April

  1. It was not until 1951 that the first high-profile arrests and
    show trials began within the Polish Church.21 Unlike in the oth-

  2. The Polish historian Jan Żaryn has described the approach as “salami tac-
    tics”; Żaryn, Kościół a władza w Polsce (1945–1950) (Warsaw: DiG, 1997), 151.

  3. Antoni Dudek and Ryszard Gryz, Komuniści i Kościół w Polsce (1945–1989)
    (Kraków: Znak, 2003), 9–62.

  4. On the “civil war,” see John Micgiel, “ ‘Bandits and Reactionaries’: The Sup-
    pression of the Opposition in Poland, 1944–1946,” in The Establishment of Commu-
    nist Regimes in Eastern Europe, 1944–1949, 93–110.

  5. See, for example, Jan Śledzianowski, Ksiądz Czesław Kaczmarek—biskup

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