Vatican II Behind the Iron Curtain

(WallPaper) #1


the nature of their involvement in the life of the Church. The cap-
stone event of Wojtyła’s pre-pontifical years was the synod that he
launched in Kraków in 1972, which then met on and off through

  1. The Kraków metropolitan even put his own ideas up for de-
    bate: just before the synod opened, he published a book-length
    treatise on how to breathe life into the conciliar documents.197
    It was Vatican II that launched Wojtyła as an international
    mover and shaker in the Catholic Church. In addition to shaping
    the letter of its reforms, he made extensive contacts in the Holy
    See over the course of the Council. Though unknown in the Vati-
    can at the Council’s outset, work in successive Council commis-
    sions turned the priest from Wadowice from a relative unknown
    into an intellectual respected even by such esteemed periti as
    Yves Congar. During the First Session, the Dominican Congar
    had described Wojtyła simply as one “Polish bishop” among
    many.198 Yet, by February 1965, he not only knew the Kraków
    archbishop’s name, but in fact had developed a deep and abiding
    respect for the prelate: “Wojtyła made a very great impression [in
    the commission on Schema XIII]. His personality is imposing. A
    power radiates from it, an attraction, a certain prophetic force
    that is very calm, but incontestable.”199
    By the end of the Council, Wojtyła had become a Vatican
    insider from behind the Iron Curtain. This does not mean that
    Wojtyła played a defining role at the Council. Nonetheless, he
    became progressively more significant and more visible over its
    course. His newfound prominence contributed in no small part
    to his rapid ascent through the Church hierarchy—archbishop
    in 1964, cardinal in 1967, Holy Father in 1978. Stefan Swieżawski
    later recalled, “Both during the Council and thereafter, when we

  2. Wojtyła, U Podstaw Odnowy: Studium o Realizacji Vaticanum II (Kraków: Pol-
    skie Towarzystwo Teologiczne, 1972); Wojtyła, Sources of Renewal: The Implementation
    of the Second Vatican Council, trans. P. S. Falla (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1980).

  3. Congar, My Journal of the Council, 152.

  4. Ibid., 714.

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