Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures.
academic integrity, 192
access to academia, 206
action and concept formation, 234
Adriaenssens, P., 31
Africa: deaf community in Nigeria, 48; deaf
education in, 112; experience of man from
Chad, 109n7; experience of student from
South Africa, 93; sign languages in, 86,
217, 219; threats to languages of, 235–36;
valuing epistemologies in, 106–9, 111. See
also Cameroon, Republic of; Uganda
African mama metaphor, 220, 223, 231,
Agora-Kring, 213
Amadoua, Yaya, 221, 222, 223, 224, 228, 235
Ameloot, Vincent, 67–68
American Annals of the Deaf, 189
American Sign Language (ASL): in Cameroon,
112–13, 222, 230, 235; in Children of a
Lesser God, 168–69; as cultural artifact,
92–93; deaf heritage and, 170; deaf
identity and, 136–37; development of,
and English literacy, 47; doctoral defense
and, 204; at Gallaudet, 77, 96, 97,
99–100; legitimization of, 40–41, 135; in
Nigeria, 48; use of, 186; in West Africa,
Americans with Disabilities Act, 92
Andersson, Yerker, 33, 62, 96n11, 178, 188,
193, 204
anthropology: of deaf flourishing, 1, 3, 10–11,
205–14; development of noncolonial
science and, 36–38; as discipline, 208;
rationale behind, 177
Appadurai, Arjan, 13, 14
Appiah, K., 52, 54
Arab Spring, 12
Ardelt, M., 202
Arendt, Hannah, 129, 153, 160, 161, 172
Armstrong, Karen, 218
Arnaut, K., 159
ASL. See American Sign Language
audism, 42, 99, 194
autochthony movements, 159–60
awakening: of author, 180–86; concept of,
216; example of, 77; of Flemish deaf
community, 136; Laborit on, 165–66;
“locality-specific” phenomenon of, 20;
Soto on, 57; as theme, 63n5. See also
waking up
awareness, centrality of, 180–81
awareness, raising of. See consciousness raising;
waking up
Axelby, R., 14, 216, 218, 232
Bahan, B., 42
Bali, linguistic environment in, 47–48
Ban Ki-moon, 34
banking concept of education, 70
Banks, J.A., 48
Barbados, experience of student from, 93
Bauman, Zygmunt, 144–45, 192
Baumann, G., 51
Beck, Ulrich, 83, 145, 147
becoming: deaf nomads, 130–35; nomadic,
129; ontology of, 156, 160; spaces of,
167, 168, 171; transitions from being to,
130, 134–35, 172
begging in Cameroon, 115, 118
Behar, Ruth, 191
“being serious” concept in Cameroon, 117–20,
Belgian American Educational Foundation,
188, 191