Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning

(Sean Pound) #1

268 Index

Belgian-French Sign Language, 58
Belgium, 58. See also Flanders
Beltus, Eyonga, 109, 110, 118, 119
between spaces, 21, 127, 128, 172
Bibum, Aloysius N’jok and Margaret, 107
bilingual education, 62
biotechnology, deaf community fear of, 27–28
black deaf people in United Kingdom, 50–51
blooming/blossoming metaphor, 9–10, 218
Blume, S., 21
Boal, Augusto, 225, 226
Bohlmeijer, E., 203
Botswana, experience of student from, 97–99
bottom-up approach to research, 108, 125
Bourdieu, P., 37, 195
Bouverne-De Bie, M., 31
Braidotti, R., 129, 132, 135, 162, 163,
Branson, J., 47, 48, 81
British Deaf Association, 137
British Sign Language, 13
Brueggemann, Brenda, 128, 195
Buea School for the Deaf, Cameroon,
15–16, 107
Byanyima, Winnie, 13

Cain, C., 86
Cameroon, Republic of: anger of deaf
adults in, 16, 108; antidiscrimination
legislation of, 117; begging in, 115, 118;
“being serious” concept in, 117–20;
challenges for, 16–17; cooperation
between Uganda and, 231; Deaf
Awareness Week, 15–16; deaf education
in, 15–16, 105–6, 107–8, 111–15, 123;
deaf flourishing in, 123–24; economy
of, 107; fieldwork in, 211–12; history
of, 106–7; HIV/AIDS in, 119; power
inequalities in study in, 212; regions of,
108–9; social position of deaf people in,
115–16; videos on, 23. See also Extreme
North Cameroon
Cameroonian deaf community: community-
based research in, 108–9, 111, 210; deaf
gatherings in, 113–14; development
projects to bolster, 231–32; dramatic
performance by, 220–21, 234–35;
emancipation processes in, 115–17;

experiences of, 105–6; indigenous
education as site of empowerment,
117–20; indigenous knowledge and
partnerships with, 120–24; key moments
in lives of, 110 ; lack of trust in, 114–15;
overview of, 104–5; transformative use of
theater by, 224–26
Cameroon National Association of the Deaf
(CANAD), 16, 108, 117, 123, 219–21,
Cameroon Sign Language (CSL), 109, 112,
113–14, 227, 230–31
can-do rhetoric, 65, 92
capability approach to flourishing, 21, 31–32,
97, 124, 173, 204, 209
cartography, 134
Carty, Breda, 28
Casterline, D. C., 40
Cavarero, A., 129, 161, 166, 172
CBM, 18
Centre for Deaf Studies, United Kingdom,
Ceuppens, B., 159
Chad, experience of man from, 109n7
Chamberlin, J., 68
Charlton, J. I., 68
“chickens” in Cameroon, 114
Children of a Lesser God (play and film), 165,
168–69, 170
Chile, experience of student from, 91, 92
Chough, Stephen, 190
circle of deaf empowerment, 72–75, 74
citizenship: Flemish contemporary, 159;
nomadic deaf, 126–35, 148–49;
participatory, 145; relational notion
of, 31–32, 144. See also Flemish Deaf
Clifford, James, 48, 179
cognitive relativism, 39–40
Cole, M., 52, 92
Collins, P., 177
Colombia, experience of student from, 89
community-based research, 108–9, 111,
121–22, 212
community identity dynamics, 84–85
concept formation from wild, 219, 232–36
conflict of voices, 27–28
connection in deaf flourishing, 24–33
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