Index 269
consciousness raising: experience of author
with, 181, 183–84; nomadic deaf
citizenship and, 129
constant comparison, state of, 96
Crewe, E., 14, 216, 218, 232
critical consciousness, 116
Croneberg, C. G., 40
cross-cultural comparative research, 54, 102–3
cross-cultural perspective, 178
Cruikshank, J., 239
Cry of the Gull, The (Laborit), 165–66, 167
CSL (Cameroon Sign Language), 109, 112,
113–14, 227, 230–31
cultural construction of deaf identity, 44–46
culturality, 85, 98, 100
cultural worlds, 86
culture of common experience, 120
cytomegalovirus, 182
Danish National Association of the Deaf, 227
Danish Sign Language, 27, 137
Davidson, Michael, 169
Deaf awakening. See awakening
deaf awareness course (kadercursus), 61–62, 63
deaf clubs in Flanders, 146–47, 151–52, 153,
deaf cultural rhetoric, 65–67, 66, 91–93
deaf culture: emancipatory value of notion
of, 42–43; human diversity and, 207–8;
notion of, 48–49
deaf dream world, 66–67, 131, 185
deaf education: in Africa, 112; banking
concept and, 70; in Cameroon, 15–16,
105–6, 107–8, 111–15, 123; as deaf-
centered and bilingual-bicultural,
46–48, 54–55; in Denmark, 27; in
Flanders, 18, 58–59, 148–49, 182–83;
indigenous, 117–20; limitations of, 69;
mainstreaming, 15, 27, 44–45, 65, 79,
136, 154; migrants and, 156–57; in
non-Western contexts, 30, 79; in Nordic
countries, 138; partnerships in, 28, 29,
30–31; paternalism in, 70–71; in South
Asia, 81; in South Korea, 87–88, 89;
in Uganda, 18–19; in U.S., 77. See also
Gallaudet University
deaf emancipation: in Cameroonian deaf
community, 115–17; in Denmark, 137;
in Flemish deaf community, 141–44; in
Nordic countries, 138; research on, 13;
three-stage model of, 138–39, 159; in
U.K., 137; in U.S., 136–37; as worldwide
movement, 135–41. See also deaf
empowerment; emancipation
deaf empowerment: circle of, 72–75, 74 ;
ethnographic life story research on,
57–58, 59; interdisciplinary lens on, 3;
neoliberalism and, 10; stages of, 60–61;
through rhetoric, 65–67; turning points
in, 56–57; wisdom and, 3. See also deaf
emancipation; empowerment
deaf epistemology: alternatives to practice
of science and, 38–42; as analytical
tool, 20; as critique, 40–42; validation
of, 132
Deaffest, 29
deaf flourishing: in Cameroon, 123–24; as
“concept from wild,” 218–24; connection
in, 24–33; definition of, 15; framework
of, 20–23, 208; personal journey of author
toward, 173–74; perspective on, 19–20.
See also flourishing
Deafhood, 42–43, 52, 160
deaf identity: in Cameroon, 114; cultural
construction of, 44–46; essentialized
notions of, 51–53, 160; formation of,
11, 144–47; as learned through practice,
102; negative constructions of, 89;
politicization of, 14, 135–41; pragmatic
and contextualized stance on, 97, 101;
strong or transnational, 80, 86–90, 93–94,
97, 186–91, 203; transformations in,
130–35; as varied and culturally situated,
78–81. See also identity; nomadic deaf
citizenship; quest for deaf identity and
deaf studies
Deaf in America (Padden & Humphries), 181
deaf indigenous learning, 117–20, 237–40
deaf life trajectory, 180–86
Deaflympics, 90
deaf marriage, 223
DEAF ME NORMAL (Morgan), 109
deaf parenting, learned practice of, 141–43
Deaf Parliament: Flemish Deaf People Speak Out
(video), 127
Deaf President Now protest, 90, 92, 189