Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning

(Sean Pound) #1

272 Index

HIV/AIDS in Cameroon, 119
Holland, D., 86, 93, 99
human rights and equality, 25, 30, 79, 92
Humphries, Tom, 27–28, 41, 42, 48–49, 164,
179, 207–8
Hutchins, E., 232

I Am a Human Being, Too (documentary),
128, 141–44, 212–13
ICED (International Congress on the
Education of the Deaf ), 24, 34
Iceloglu, Ayfer, 156, 167–68
ideal deaf places, 65–67
identity: century of, 11; competing affiliations
of, 129, 141; cultural, 85–86; dynamics
of, 84–85; globalization and, 171–72;
glocal, 91; material units in construction
of, 83, 85–86; mirroring in formation
of, 164–71; quality of life and, 22–23;
theories of learning and formation of,
92–93. See also deaf identity
I’ll Scream Later (Matlin), 170
inclusive thinking, 26
indigenous deaf people, assertiveness of, 81
indigenous knowledge, 36–38, 120–24,
individual identity dynamics, 84
Ingold, Tim, 238, 239
insiders, 46n11
integrated ethnography, 177
intercultural communication, 49
intercultural dialogue, 156–61
intergenerational dialogue, 18, 154–56
International Congress on the Education of the
Deaf (ICED), 24, 34
international deaf people at Gallaudet: author
experience with, 187; cultural resources
and, 202–3; overview of, 77–78, 101–3;
research findings on, 86–87; research
method and analysis of, 82–83, 85–86;
research project of author at, 188–89;
strong identity and, 87–90; as translated
people, 94–97; upon returning home,
97–101; on waking up in deaf space,
intersectionality, methodological
stance of, 104
interviews, ethnographic, 60

Ixarette, 170–71
Izquierdo, C., 173, 199, 208, 209

Jacobs, Marc, 170
Jamieson, J. R., 24
Jankowski, K. A., 56, 65, 68, 92, 136
Japan, deaf people in, 44–45, 80
Jepson, J. B., 27
Johnson, M., 221
Jokinen, M., 31, 202
Jordan, I. King, 33, 62, 65, 92

Kaag, Sigrid, 12
Kajong, 152
Kamei, N., 112
Knoors, H., 148
knowledge: co-production of, 219, 224–26;
giving back to community through
dialogue, 213; indigenous, 36–38, 120–
24, 237–40; subjugated, insurrection of,
67–72; synthesis of multiple knowledge
systems, 124–25; transfer of, 218
Kohn, Tamara, 173, 180
Kumba School for the Deaf, Cameroon, 112
Kyambogo University, 19, 227–28, 238–39

Laborit, Emmanuelle, 165–66, 167
Lachicotte, W. S., Jr., 86
Ladd, P., 42–43, 49, 52, 82, 194
Lakoff, G., 221
Landry, Charles, 216
Lane, H., 41–42
Langue des Signes Francophone (LSF),
112–13, 170, 222, 227, 230, 235
learning: deaf indigenous, 117–20, 237–
40; informal, in Cameroon, 109n7;
sociocultural perspective of, 11;
theories of, and identity formation,
Lebanon, refugees in, 12
Ledwith, Margaret, 216
Leijssen, M., 202
LeMaire, Bernard, 189
Le Master, B., 45
life stories: of author, 173–74, 181–86;
of Cameroonian deaf people, 105–6,
211–12; of deaf role models, 61; desire
for telling, 161–63; of empowerment
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