122 Mohamad Fahmi
Definitions of Variables
Variables Description
HE Higher education is the highest level education? yes=1, no=0
MALE Male=1, female=0
ISLAM Religion Islam? yes=1, no=0
LANGINDO Do you speak Bahasa Indonesia in daily life? yes=1, no=0
URBAN Live in urban? yes=1, no=0
SIBLING How many siblings do you have?
WORKSMA Did you work, when attending upper secondary school?
yes=1, no=0
WORKSMP Did you work, when attending junior secondary school?
yes=1, no=0
SMAFAIL Failed in upper secondary school? yes=1, no=0
NEMSMP Final exam (Ebtana/UAN) score in junior secondary education
NEMSMA Final exam (Ebtana/UAN) score in upper secondary education
FATHSHHE Highest level education of father is uppersec.
Or higher education? yes=1, no=0
MOTHSHHE Highest level education of mother is uppersec.
Or higher education? yes=1, no=0
PRIVATENRJH Attend private non religious or secular lower/junior secondary
yes=1, no=0
PRIVATEISJH Attend private Islam or lower/junior secondary school
yes=1, no=0
PRIVATECPOJH Attend private Christian lower/junior secondary school
yes=1, no=0
NSUMARES Reside in North Sumatra? yes=0, no=1
WSUMARES Reside in West Sumatra? yes=0, no=1
SSUMARES Reside in South Sumatra? yes=0, no=1
LAMPUNGRES Reside in Lampung? yes=0, no=1
JAKARTARES Reside in DKI Jakarta? yes=0, no=1
WJAVARES Reside in West Java? yes=0, no=1
CJAVARES Reside in Central Java? yes=0, no=1
JOGJARES Reside in Jogjakarta? yes=0, no=1
EJAVARES Reside in East Java? yes=0, no=1
BALIRES Reside in Bali? yes=0, no=1
NTBRES Reside in NTB? yes=0, no=1
KALSELRES Reside in South Kalimantan? yes=0, no=1
SULSELRES Reside in South Sulawesi? yes=0, no=1
OTHERRES Reside in South Sulawesi? yes=0, no=1