Education and Globalization in Southeast Asia Issues and Challenges

(Ann) #1

196 Index

drop-out rate
for Orang Asli children, 149
primary school, 145
in rural and urban government
schools, 148

Early Intervention Reading and
Writing Class, 157
Educate A Child programme, 163
Education Act (1961), 41, 155
Education Act (1996), 23–24
educational language policy, in
Malaysia, 37, 44, 49
Education Bill (1996), 44
Education Blueprints, 106–107
education ethos, 167–68, 186
Education For All (EFA), 173
Education Ordinance (1952), 21
education systems, in Southeast Asia,
Eighth Higher Education National
Development Plan, 64
English language
in China, 37
English Language Syllabus (2010), 30
as “form of cultural capital”, 3
global spread of, 7–8
in Malaysia, 8, 20–26, 28–29, 31
medium of instruction, 4, 23–24
in Singapore, 3, 7, 15–20, 26–27,
valorization of, 4
English-medium education, 18, 42–47
“English programme”, 72, 76, 77
enrolment, Malaysian higher
education, 91–92

Fenn-Wu Report, 16, 21
Fifteen Years First Long-Range Plan
on Higher Education, 63

financial assistance, to students,
First Long-Range Plan of Thailand
Higher Education, 60, 64
First Malaysia Plan (1966–70), 142
first-order changes, 60
five-year transformation plan
(2013–18), 164n7
foreign direct investments (FDIs), 42
foreign language programme, 71, 72
Framework for Social and Economic
Reform (FESR), 178–80

Goh Chok Tong, 19
Goh Report (1979), 18
government reforms, education
sector, 11–12
Graduate Employment Management
Scheme, 103
Gred Purata Sekolah (GPS), 152
gross national income (GNI), 86

“Hari Bertemu Pelanggan”, 158
Higher Education Fund Corporation,
higher education, in Malaysia.
See Malaysian higher education
higher education institutions (HEIs),
84, 89, 108
Higher Education Student Loan
Fund, 87
hluttaw, in Myanmar, 168, 182
Humana Child Aid Society Sabah,
Human Development Index, 173

inclusive education programmes, 157
Individual Education Plans (IEPs),
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