200 Index
political level, 182
Simla Scheme, 173
Thein Sein, 168, 172, 178, 190n4
Thirty-Year National Action Plan
on Education, 171, 179
top-down political culture, 169
Yangon Region, 167–68
MyQuest (Malaysian Quality
Evaluation System for Private
Colleges), 100, 101
Nanyang University, 18
National Accreditation Board Bill
(1996), 45
National Council on Higher
Education Bill (1996), 44
National Education Act (2003), 61
National Education Bill, 172
National Education Commission,
“national education” systems, 182
National Higher Education Fund Act
(1997), 97
National Language Act, 41
National Network for Education
Reform, 172
National-Type Chinese Secondary
Schools (NTCSSs), 41
National University of Malaysia, 85
National University of Singapore
(NUS), 101–2
nation-building process, in Malaysia,
Ne Win, 173
net enrolment ratio (NER), 143–44,
153, 157
net intake rate (NIR), 144–45
New Economic Model (NEM), 86, 106
New Economic Policy (NEP), 43, 85,
86, 95, 153
new educational policy, 41
Ninth Malaysia Plans (2006–10), 154
“no school fees” policy, 155
non-Malay students
in Malaysia, 39–40, 49
preference for English, 8
Office of Higher Education
Commission (OHEC), 64, 68, 72,
Orang Asli
drop-out rates, 149
enrolment rates among, 3, 11
poor performance, 153
poverty rate, 149
overseas study
JPA scholarship, 95
Malaysian students, 87
Penan community, in Sarawak, 146
Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains
dan Matematik dalam Bahasa
Inggeris (PPSMI), 23, 24
Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan
Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), 97
PISA. See Programme for
International Student Assessment
political decentralization, 191n28
Poor Students Trust Fund (2003), 157
among Orang Asli, 149
in Malaysia, 146, 163n2
Humana, 159
Malaysian government’s
investment in, 155
primary schooling, in Malaysia.
See Malaysian primary education
private Christian schools, 10, 124–26
Private Higher Education Bill, 45