Index 201
Private Higher Education Institution
Act (1996), 23–24
privatization of education, 5, 180
Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA), 25, 98
Quality Assurance (QA), 62
quality of education
higher education institutions, 100,
Malaysia, primary schooling in,
meritocracy and, 108–109
multilateral organizations, 4
secondary schooling, 98–99
Thai education, 70–78, 80
quality of lecturers, 76
quality of students, 43, 108
“racial quota” policy, 24
Rahman Talib Report, 22, 41
Razak Report, 21–22, 40–41, 156
Rohingya children, educational
access, 149–50
refugee children in, 150
retention programme, 157–58
Sabah Special Task Force, 162
Sabah State Education Department,
Samad Said, 47
School Improvement Programme, 161
School Milk Programme, 157
second-order changes
definition of, 60
without first-order changes, 70–78
secondary schooling, quality of, 98–99
SETARA, 100, 101
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), 48, 152
Simla Scheme, 173
“Singapore English”, 30
Singapore’s language policies, 27
All-Party Report (1956), 15–16
bilingual education policy, 17–18
English, as working language, 17–18
“first language”, 32n1
Goh Report (1979), 18
issues-related to, 15
language and identity, 29
official languages, 6–7
Singlish, 19–20, 30
“Speak Good English Movement”,
Singlish, 19–20, 30
Special Comprehensive Model
School, 158
special education schools, 157
special needs students, 150–51
Spolsky, Bernard, 52
state-level policymaking, 62–66
STPM. See Malaysian Higher School
Certificate (STPM)
student financial assistance, 95–97
student-teacher ratio, 151
Supplementary Food Programme, 156
Supplementary Reading Programme,
TalentCorp, 104
Tenth Malaysia Plans (2011–15), 154,
161, 163n5
tertiary education enrolment, in
Malaysia, 88–89
Thai higher education,
internationalization of, 5–6, 8–9
definition of, 59
economic growth, 63
Eighth Higher Education National
Development Plan, 60