Bakery Review — February-March 2018

(Tina Meador) #1

restriction. “Researchers believe that energy-
restricted diets which provide protein in
the range of 25-35 percent of total energy
are effective in a number of ways,” stated
“Researchers have concluded that
replacing carbohydrates—especially refined
carbohydrates—with protein sources low in
saturated fat increases satiety, increases
loss of body fat while reducing loss of lean
tissue, and results in greater weight loss
and possibly improved body composition,”
she added.
“Soy protein is a complete protein and
eating a diet rich in soy protein may help with
weight management by enhancing satiety
and reducing hunger,” she emphasised.
Soy bread is thus becoming popular. Soy
flour contains more than 38 percent protein;
the addition of soy in bread increases the
amount of protein content in bread. Karuna
added, “There is also clear evidence
that higher-protein diets, especially those
containing high quality protein, such as that
provided by soy, help to preserve fat free
mass (FFM) during weight loss. This, in turn,
improves the metabolic profile of dieters.”
Thus we can see that in this age of
growing health consciousness, bakery
products with less fat and impressive protein
content are expected to gain popularity in
the coming years.

Innovative Measures
Polyunsaturated spreads based on sunflower,
canola spreads with omega-3 fatty acids,
monounsaturated olive oil spreads, etc. are
endeavouring to address the fat problem in
AAK Kamani has now come up with,
what it claims to be, trans fat free oils for
bakeries. Prakash Chawla, Kamani’s CEO
said, “Consumers are gradually becoming
health conscious and are demanding
healthier food. In order to cater to the needs
of the modern consumers and promote
healthy eating habits especially amongst
the kids, AAK Kamani has established itself
as a pioneer in developing trans fat free
products such as Cakelite, Pufflite and Klite
for the bakery industry. These shortenings
and margarines add value to the finished
“To take the health quotient several
notches higher, AAK Kamani has set up a
food innovation lab at its HO at Chandivali,
Mumbai. The purpose is to learn, develop
and share new insights into food applications
using the right oils and fats in the right

manner. Today’s consumer is aware of
various interesting cuisines, is health and
fitness conscious and demands more value
for her/his money. At the lab, we offer value
added services to our customers by assisting
in innovating, improvising and improving
their product quality, thereby enhancing the
food experience for the public at large. To
achieve this, we are well equipped with the
proper perspective, persistence, people and,
of course, products,” he disclosed.
Speaking about these trans fat free
products, Chawla revealed the feature of
some of them.
Pufflite is a transfree bakery shortening,
that can withstand high ambient temperature
and is characterised by excellent plasticity.
An ideal option for healthy khari/puff
products, it has zero transfat and zero
K-Lite is a premium transfree aerated
multipurpose shortening. It can be used for
baking items right from cupcakes and cakes
to biscuits, brownies and icing.
There are other ideas being introduced
by other companies to get healthy bakery
products that would appeal to the consumers.
Döhler, the global ingredients provider, which
sold the bakery side of its business almost
16 years ago to focus on the beverage
sector, is now reintroducing many of the
ideas behind trend-setting beverages into
food applications.
At ProSweets, held in Cologne, in January
this year, the company showcased several
concepts for multi-sensory experiences
focused on ‘healthy nutrition’ for the
bakery and snacks industries, including
cola-flavoured biscuits; and intense red
coloured biscuits that contain real pieces
of raspberries.
Döhler also released its savoury portfolio,
including savoury clays or glazings for

bagels, such as a mango curry preparation
and a tomato basil topping; and new filling
combinations, like a pineapple, lentil and red
pepper application.

Safety First
But healthy bakery products reflect only one
of the new trends taking place in the bakery
industry. Safety is also of prime importance
in the bakery industry. It is well-known
that several large bakery manufacturers
outsource to contract manufacturers who do
not have the requisite financial strength to
implement comprehensive safety measures.
One may classify safety in the bakery
industry into different sections like personal
safety, fire safety and electrical safety.
Personal safety in the bakery industry
would involve avoiding or preventing slips
and trips due to spillages, avoiding or
preventing noise which could cause deafness,
avoiding or preventing odour, dust, and
sprains due to carriage of heavy loads, etc.
Since bakery has many inflammable
materials proper fire safety is also essential.

Sheela Krishnaswamy
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