8 Outlook Money March 2018 http://www.outlookmoney.com
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I was looking for a data-driven, content-rich magazine that
could keep me informed about the current issues in personal
finance. That’s why, I love Outlook Money.Not only does the
magazine do a great job of updating me with the latest
developments, it also has knowledgeable writers
and industry experts. It’s a great value-addition
because it provides context and makes news
palatable for people like me who don’t have a
financial background. As a marketer, I appreciate
the inclusion of different perspectives and the
unbiased stance.
Having joined Fyle, an expense
management platform with clients spread
all over the world, I find myself gravitating
towards Outlook Money for reliable to-the-
point information.
I loved the latest issue
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- Publisher’s Name Vinayak Aggarwal
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- Editor’s Name Malini Bhupta
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Dated: 28 February 2017 s d /-
Vinayak Aggarwal
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Malini Bhupta
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