New Zealand Listener – March 02, 2018

(Brent) #1



Hesse, many times. It is easy to read and
anyone would get something out of it. A
more contemporary version of it would
be Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, which is
more mystical, but has a similar takeout.
When you take those two with Joseph
Campbell’s Reflections on the Art of Living,
that is what I am interested in.

What else?
On Death and Dying, by Elisabeth Kübler-
Ross, who wrote about her experiences
with dying patients, what it meant to die,
how they died. Thinking about dying
gives perspective. There is an old ritual
called memento mori, thinking about
your death once a day for a few minutes
to give you perspective on how fortunate
you are to be alive. I want to write more,

so I am reading The Writing Life, by Annie

Given your business background, any in that
Principles, by Ray Dalio, possibly the
most successful hedge-fund manager of

our time; he made about US$15 billion
through his hedge fund Bridgewater in
Connecticut. He has recorded in great
detail the principles by which he lives and

that he has incorporated into his business
practice. Some people attack Bridgewater
for being like a cult or a machine, taking
people in, then spitting them out. It has
a mixed reputation. But the book is fasci-
nating. I like some of his principles, not
others, but admire that he has thought so
methodically about it.

You’ve just turned 40. Do you have any
thoughts on that milestone?
I know myself now better than when I
wrote Heart to Start. A lot of things were in
gestation with The B Team, of which I was
founding CEO, developing at that time.
There is a sense of ego in the book that I
have moved on from. I really feel I have
evolved, and now when I do something, I
know it is with 100% integrity. l


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  1. Derek Handley with Stephen Hawking, Cambridge University, 2015. 2. Sir Richard Branson recorded a message for the launch of Handley’s mobile
    advertising company Snakk Media, in March 2013. 3. With cousin Shareen, 1981. 4. Mum Latifa helps cut the third birthday cake. 5. With son Finn.
    6. With Finn and wife Maya.

“There is an old ritual

to give you perspective

on how fortunate you

are to be alive.”

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