New Zealand Listener – March 02, 2018

(Brent) #1


The weekly challenge invited readers
to submit a four-line poem describing
some of the benefits or drawbacks of
their local area.
John Jones of Otago writes: The
rush hour in Waitati/Could be a whole lot
worse:/Three cars, a bike, a motor-home,/
Two lorries and a hearse.
Motueka’s Ellie Henderson: Kaiteriteri:
blue dome skies,/Turquoise ocean, red
sunrise;/Golden sand in pristine bays, /
Freedom campers, mend your ways.
Tim Heath, Auckland: House price
explosion/Has caused the erosion/Of
social equity in/The villas of Grey Lynn.
Brian Lintott: Hamilton is an ideal
town,/With its lovely river flowing down./
But there’s one thing that spoils its mana:/
It is too close to Akarana.
Poppy Sinclair, Karori: When I moved
into Beauchamp St,/Which was named
for Katherine’s dad,/They said her genius
would rub off./I suspect that I was had.
Anne Martin, Helensville: Come to
north-west Auckland./It’s lovely, but
be quick;/It’s rapidly being carpeted/In
concrete, glass and brick.
Maureen Young: The trouble with
living in Warkworth town/Is that in the
holidays we hunker down./Hitting the
highway is such a drama/With thousands
heading for Matakana.
Central Auckland’s Rex McGregor is
the winner this week: Across the road,
the church bells chime./I love the morning
din./St Matthew’s saves me from the
crime/Of ever sleeping in.
For the next contest, send in a brief
poem praising, condemning or simply
reflecting on the 1970s. You may use
any form of poetry; rhyme is optional.
Entries, for the prize below, close at
noon on Thursday, March 15.



A DVD of Thor: Ragnarok,
directed by Taika Waititi.
Thor is imprisoned on the
other side of the universe
without his mighty
hammer and races back
to stop the destruction of
his homeworld.

by Gabe Atkinson

Submissions: [email protected]
or Wordsworth, NZ Listener, Private Bag
92512, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141.
Please include your address.

BRIDGE by David Bird

by Simon Shuker


Fidel Jimenez v Daniel Stellwagen, Cuba v
Netherlands, Chess Olympiad, 2010
This seems a messy position, where
material is level but both players have
attacking chances. The reality was different.
Black’s next turn looks like a misprint, but
it proved so devastating that the Cuban
master resigned as soon as he had recovered
from the shock. Can you find Black’s

(Answer on page 62)

Love all, dealer South

West North East South

— — — 1 S

Dble 2 NT Pass 3S

Pass 4S All Pass

Sitting West, you lead the queen of hearts.
Declarer wins with dummy’s ace and your
partner discourages with the two. Declarer
plays a trump to the ace and leads a low

diamond towards dummy. How will you
defend? To beat the contract, you need
one diamond and three club tricks. Unless

South has opened light, he will hold the
king of clubs. Your best hope is that partner

has the jack of diamonds. Provided you
defend correctly, he will win a trick with it
and can then switch to a club.
Suppose you rise with the diamond ace
on the first round. You can exit safely in
hearts or trumps, but declarer can eliminate
the diamonds with two ruffs. He will then
play the king and nine of hearts, throwing
a club from dummy as you win the third
round. You will be endplayed, forced to
give a ruff-and-discard or lead away from
the ace of clubs.
What if you follow with the diamond
two on the first round? Declarer will win
with dummy’s king and you will be forced
to win the second round of diamonds with
the ace or queen. Once again, he will be
able to eliminate diamonds and throw you
in with a heart. You must play the queen of
diamonds on the first round. East can then
win the second round of diamonds with
the jack and switch to clubs.

WEST West North East South
♠ Q 8 7 3 — — 1H Pass
♥ K 9 6 2?
♦ J 5
♣ 10 4 2

What will you respond on this hand?
(Answer on page 62 )



7 3
Q J 10 5
A Q 2
A Q 7 2



4 2
8 7 6 2
J 8 6 5
J 10 9

K J 8 6
A 3
K 10 9 4
6 5 3

A Q 10 9 5
K 9 4
7 3
K 8 4
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