Sanctuary | Photo Feature
The Eurasian Oystercatcher
Haematopus ostralegus is a wader
in the oystercatcher bird family
Haematopodidae. The bird has a
strong red bill, designed to wrench or
hammer open mollusc shells. There is
a lot of wear and tear in the process
and gradually the pointy beak wears
down. As the bird moves inland
during the breeding season, it resorts
to feeding mainly on worms in the
absence of molluscs, thus giving the
beak time to restore itself for the
next season of ‘oyster’ eating.
Sambath Subbaiah
The Pacifi c Golden Plover
Pluvialis fulva is a medium-sized
plover in the family Charadriidae. The
wader forages for food in intertidal
zones, fi elds and grasslands for
insects, crustaceans and sometimes,
even berries. When foraging on
mudfl ats and beaches, it walks
rapidly, stopping only to scan the
immediate area for potential prey,
often with a sideways tilt of the
head. On sighting prey, it pecks
continuously, probes the mud and
digs it out.
Sourav Mondal