One fi ne spring morning of April 1970, thousands
of citizens across United States came together, united in the
wildness of their spirits, to carry out peaceful demonstrations
for environmental reform. That day marked the fi rst
celebration of Earth Day, a celebration that turned into a
massive global people’s movement.
On April 22, every year, millions of people take to the
streets, not just for peaceful protests, but to push for political
action and civic participation towards a greener future. In
2016, Earth Day served as the backdrop for the landmark
Paris Agreement, where 175 countries signed a treaty
pledging their support towards decreasing carbon emissions.
A historic moment in the fi ght against climate change, The
Paris Agreement, has conferred upon Earth Day, greater
commemorative value.
However, while we laud such collaborative victories, the
successes of smaller communities are going to be of equal
importance across the globe. The common thread that drives
any environmental action, no matter its scale, is reverence for
our natural world.
Today we celebrate this gentle reverence, in kindred
spirits, whose lives serve as examples for sustainable
living. Sanctuary has always drawn inspiration from quiet
changemakers: the over-worked parent, the curious child,
the good-natured grandparent, the sincere celebrity, the
conscious millenial and the resilient activist. These are
people, who even on the busiest of days, have managed to
break human barriers of ease and apathy. Clark Kents of our
world, these are our ordinary heroes, leading extraordinary
lives. In an attempt to reduce their carbon footprint, their
sustainable practices have now become second nature.
Though they make it seem easy, in the age of fast food,
fashion and faster gratifi cation, these peacemakers point to
the joys of slowing down, smelling the fl owers, and meeting
nature halfway.
Sanctuary met some of these ‘everyday heroes’ and we
share with our readers the inspiration inherent in their lives.
Leading by example, they try to tread gently on the Earth
and they underscore the popular axiom “The change begins
with YOU.”
Sanctuary | Cover Story