Sanctuary Asia - April 2018

(Michael S) #1

The last date
for receiving
applications is
July 08,

The last date
for receiving
applications is
July 08,

You love the wilderness and have travelled around South Asia. Now express your
appreciation and nominate or vote for your favourite destinations, places to stay
and travel companies in India and Nepal.

Visitors to national parks and wildlife sanctuaries around India and Nepal are
being invited to cast their vote for nature as part of 5th TOFTigers Wildlife
Tourism Awards 2018.

The Awards aim to highlight and reward the very best in the nature tourism
fi eld; those individuals, businesses, service providers, naturalists, guides,
community enterprises and parks who are leading the way in the Indian
subcontinent. This year’s theme is Inclusive Conservation: People and Wildlife.

Each Award winner, in their own way, will be pioneering new ways to support
and inspire wildlife conservation, engage local communities and help restoration
of wildlife habitat through their vision, drive and action. The Awards are run by
the nature stewardship alliance charity TOFTigers, in association with Sanctuary
Nature Foundation.

TOFTigers is a global nature stewardship
alliance galvanising all those most active in the
Indian-subcontinent’s nature travel sector - from
governments and protected areas to businesses,
visitors and villagers – to promote and work
towards environmental sustainability.

TOFTigers engages with global travel and
tourism operators, Indian travel companies and
local wildlife lodges and resorts – helping them all
adopt practices that promote sustainable business,
deliver community support and ensure wildlife
conservation. By doing so TOFTigers not only helps
support tigers, their wild habitats and bordering
communities, but also helps these companies
provide their visitors with awe inspiring, enjoyable
wildlife experiences, transforming passive watchers
into active champions for nature.

The Award Categories 2018
 The John Wakefi eld Memorial Award for Most
Inspirational Eco Lodge of the Year 2018.
 The Billy Arjan Singh Memorial Award for
Best Wildlife Guide of the Year 2018
(prize of INR 20,000).
 Wildlife and Tourism Initiative of the Year 2018
(prize INR 50,000 towards equipment/services
for the benefi t of the community).
 Visitor Friendly Wildlife Destination of the
Year Award 2018 with a prize of INR 75,000
worth of kit or equipment to be used in tiger
 Wildlife Promotion Company of the Year 2018.
 Lodge Naturalist of the Year 2018
(prize of INR 25,000).
 International Wildlife Tour Operator of the
Year 2018.
 Up and coming Excellence for Nature
Award 2018.
 Wildlife Tourism Related Community Initiative
of the Year 2018 (prize of INR 50,000).

Nominations are invited for all award categories.
You can also vote on the nature experiences you
have enjoyed in fi ve award categories.

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