Sanctuary Asia - April 2018

(Michael S) #1

Sanctuary | Natural History


The vast ocean might as well be another planet,
yet to be visited and explored leaving much to the
imagination. The infi nite range of colours, shapes,
sizes and designs that living creatures in it assume
are forever fl ummoxing. Here, bubble-tip anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor glisten in all their bulbous
glory. They play cordial hosts to anemonefi sh
providing defence in exchange for nourishment.
They live in harmony with symbiotic, photosynthetic
algae zooxanthellae, which provide the marine
animal with necessary nutrients, again in exchange
for protection and a conducive environment. Sadly,
the sea anemone is paying for its striking and unique
appearance by falling victim to the popular and
destructive live aquarium trade.
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