Southeast Asia Building – May-June 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Weifang Cultural Centre
GFA: 294,000 square metres
Completion: 2013

ARCHITECT’S CORNER Interview with Dr Liu Thai Ker

106 SEAB MAY-JUNE 2018

put our airports at Changi. So, you must
plan long term. Actually being a kiasu
Singaporean, even though I planned for
2091, I made sure that I still had ample
land available. It is still there. There are
also a few pieces of sea area in the main
island still waiting to be reclaimed. On top
of that, our government in recent years
has enlarged the reclamation areas of
Pulau Tekong. So, when you add them
all up, the available unbuilt land is quite
ample. But to plan for 10 million now, I did
some rough calculation, you cannot plan
the new development areas to the same
density that we know now. We have to plan
them at a somewhat higher density. But if
we don’t plan now and carry on as usual, by
the time you have to face your 10 million,
the density in the new development areas
would have to be significantly higher.
People worry that my 10 million would
destroy the Singapore environment. I am
proposing 10 million precisely because I
wish to protect the good environment of

Singapore. If we do it now, even though
I am proposing 10 million, I am saying
that all the conservation areas, all the
landed areas, all the ecological areas,
all the rivers and hills will be kept. If we
do it now, we can do so. If we do it later,
we may have no choice but to convert
them to development areas. That is not
what I want to see for my own country.
So, in the name of good environment, in
the name of keeping all the good things
we are enjoying now, I feel we must
start planning long term and plan for
10 million. One further point, I hope our
economy will continue to do well. With
good economy, despite technological
advances, we can still create new jobs. We
need more people to fill up the vacancy.
For Singapore, to remain as a sovereign
nation, I hope we will continue to exist for
thousands of years. There is no guarantee
that our population growth will stop at
10 million, the earlier we plan, the more
we can preserve our good environment,

the more we can cater for long term
nationhood. It is my love of our nation
and our good environment that drives
me to make this proposal.


What is your vision for Asian cities
in 10 to 20 years? What are the
possible architectural / urban planning
solutions for a growing population in
the face of climate change?
A: Just some rough calculation, if India,
China and Indonesia were to be urbanized
to the same level as American cities
today with the same quality of life, then
in the next half century, India will have to
build around 5 USAs, which means that
for every office tower, bungalow, sewage
plant in USA, India has to build 5 of them.
That means India needs to build 5 USAs
in the next 50 years. China has to build
3 USAs. Indonesia has to build 2 USAs. 10
USAs in total. That’s the key reason why I
want to start Morrow at this ripe old age.
Because there is so much work to do. And
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