WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1

Best Free Software

30 4-17April 2018

OSFMount lets you‘mount’image files of local
drives –thatis, make them accessible,soyou can
read and write data.Eachmounted imageis
assigned adrive letter so youaccess it just as you
wouldany regulardrive.The program also
supports thecreationofRAM disks–drives
mounted in RAM–which offers both security and
speed benefits.Itcan handle allthe majorimage
file formats, such as IMG, ISOand BIN.
This newversion of OSFMount includes
significantly improvedperformance on RAMdisks
and an updatedExpertWitness Compression
Format (EWF)library.Itnow requires Windows 7
and upwardstorun.

Do youmissthe days when webpages were
basic,ugly, filled withflashing bannerads and
took forevertoload? No,usneither.But the
chances areyou’llexperiencesomething of
aflashback thefirst time youuse TheClassic
Browser, whichhas adistinctlyretro feel
aboutit, even if thepages it loads(rendered
usingChromium) don’t.
Thebrowser’s aestheticharks back to AOL
or Netscape’sglory days,displaying achoice
of 24 search engines underthe search bar,
includingseveral youmay nothave thought
of in years–Yahoo, Askand DogPile, for
example.Google and DuckDuckGo arealso
included, if you’drather nottravelquite so far
down memorylane.

Everything youdeleteinWindows goes
directlytothe RecycleBin,and this can
easily becomefullifyou forget to empty
it on aregularbasis.AutoRecycle Bin
automatesthe process of emptying the
bin based on rules youset.Itcan delete
contentafter adesignatedtime; or
remove larger itemsfirst, then smaller
itemslater on.The program canalso
adjust thesizeofthe bin based on how
much free spaceyou have on your hard
drive. Youcan choose when to process
contentinthe bin –manually,on
Windows startuporperiodicallyinthe

Auto RecycleBin
Minrequirements:Windows XP/
Vista/7/8+/10File size:1.5MB

OSFMount 2
Minrequirements:Windows 7/8+/10
File size:3MB

TheClassic Browser
Minrequirements:Windows XP/
Vista/7/8+/10File size:62.1MB
Free download pdf