WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1
Hooktube offers an easy waytoaccessvideos
that YouTubehas blocked

Unblock videos unavailable in theUK
Most YouTube userswill have encounteredatleast onevideo that thesiteforbids
access to,displaying themessage: “Thiscontent is notavailable in this country”.
Theblock canbedue to licensing, politicalorlegal reasons;because theuploader
haschosentolimit it to aspecific region;orbecause you’re notloggedinto
YouTube andthereare agerestrictionsonthe clip. Thebest-knownway to beat
this restrictionistouse aVPN(see ourcoverfeature in Issue443)or proxytool
such as TortodisguiseyourIP
address,but thereisaneasier
method that doesn’trequire
anysoftware. Hooktube
(hooktube.com), which
launched last year,letsyou
bypassregionalblocks andage
restrictions on YouTube using
Just change theyoutubein
theweb addressofthe
blockedvideo tohooktube,
pressEnter andyou’llbetaken
to Hooktube whereyou can
watchthe contentunhindered,
andeven download it.

Jumpto thebestbitsinYouTube videos
by usingInVideo to find words

42 4-17April 2018

Printstoryboards andtranscripts
of videos
Rather than downloadingafavourite
videoto keep forposterity,why not
printapapercopy of itscontent?
That’s theconceptbehindaningenious
‘bookmarklet’calledPrint YouTube
Video,which convertsvideosinto
that youcan printorsave.
To getstarted,visitbit.ly/print446
anddrag thePrint YouTube Video
bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar.
Open avideo on YouTube,click the
bookmarklet andit should instantly
summarisesthe content. The
bookmarklet convertsany length
of video,but note that theindividual

images it captures areprettysmall
andyou’ll need to enable JavaScript
in your browserfor it to work.
Alternatively, youcan print
atranscriptofall thespokentextin
avideo,which is generated from
YouTube’sautomaticsubtitles.Click the
three-dotbuttonbelowavideo and
choose ‘Opentranscript’ to displaythe
text on theright of theplayer. Highlight
anddrag thewords withyourmouse,
then copy andpastetheminto a
documentsoyou canprint the
transcript –you canremovethe
timestampsvia thesettingsmenuin
thetop-right corner.Justdon’t expect
thesubtitles to be 100%accurate!

Searchfor specific words
in videos
Rather than skimming or sittingthrough
alongYouTube videojust to gettothe
‘bestbit’orglean aspecific snippet
of information, installthe Chrome
extensionInvideo forYouTube (bit.ly/
invideo 446 ). This brillianttooladds
text-search capabilities to videosso
youcan quicklyfindindividual words,
phrasesand namesspokeninthem.
To useit, click theOpenInVideo
button belowthebottom-right corner
of thevideo player andapanelwill open
on theright that lets yousearchfor a
termthat’s spoken in thecontent.Click
aresulttojumpstraighttothe relevant
moment.You need onlyenter part of
Invideoworksbyusing YouTube’s
auto-subtitling transcripts(seeprevious
tip),soinsomecases (particularlywith
musicvideos),you mayget a“cannot
transcribe this video”message.

Skip advertswithoutcheating
AdvertsthatplaybeforeYouTube videos
areanecessaryevil because without
them,manycreatorswouldn’t be able
to offertheir contentfor free.Butif
you’re tiredofsitting throughthe same
loud,annoyingads whilewaiting for
theSkipbutton to finallyappear, there
is asolution called YouTube AdAuto-


Turn your favouriteYouTube videos into a
printablephoto storyboard

Skip adverts automaticallyrather
than manually

YouTubegeneratestranscripts of videos
that youcan copy elsewhere
Free download pdf