Your TopTips
readers.To gethelporofferittoothers,
68 4-17April 2018
Youcan’t always tell whetheryour PC
is healthyornot, so it’s agood idea to
perform ahealthchecknowand then.
If youuse Windows Defender,right-click
its icon in the taskbarand selectOpen,
or go to Settings(Windows+i), ‘Update &
Security’,Windows Defender,then Open
Windows DefenderSecurityCentre.
Openthe menuat the side if necessary,
and select‘Deviceperformance&health’.
This has four sections:Windows Update,
‘Storage capacity’,‘Devicedriver’and
‘Battery life’. If your PC is healthy, you’ll
see ‘No issues’undereach heading,but if
thereare problems,youcan expandthe
highlighted sectionto find out more.
JasonFarmer, viaemail
Card gameswithUndo
It’s frustrating whenyoumakeamistake
whileplaying the solo cardgamesthat
come with Windows.However,afew of
our favourites offer an Undooption,
so youcan go back astepifyou
accidentallyplaythe wrong card. You
can do this with KlondikeinWindows 10,
and also in the Windows 7versionof
Solitaire, althoughif you’reusing it in
Windows 10,you have to pressCtrl+Zto
undoyour move –there’sisn’t amore
obviousoption.If youplaySolitairein
Windows 7, however,you can select
Undoin the Game menuas well as using
the Ctrl+Zkeyboardshortcut.
Cantrel, Madeline and roy5051uk,
SwitchExplorer columns
If youuse the DetailsviewinExplorer,
youmay find thatthe columnsof
information it displays aren’t always in
the mostconvenientorder.For some
reason,minearealways arrangedby
Name,Date, Type then Size. IpreferSize
to come beforeType,but nowI’vefound
thatyou can click and drag the column
headingsto changethe order.Click and
drag Sizetothe left, forexample,and
youcan drop it to come beforeType.
To add or remove columns,right-click
anytitle and selectthe attributes you
want to show.
TomSpencer, viaemail
Record your Androidscreen
straight to YouTube
I’vefoundatrick thatlets yourecord
the contents of your Android device’s
screen and send it straight to YouTube.
It uses YouTube’sgamingsiteatgaming sitehas beenset up
to let gamerssharelivefootage,asa
responseto the arguablymorefamous
Amazon-ownedserviceTwitch (www,there’snothing
to sayyou have to use it forgames.
First, downloadthe YouTube Gaming
app install it on
your Android device. Youcan choose
whetheryouwant to stream livevideo
straight to YouTube,orsimplyrecord the
Microsofthas beenpushingits Edge
browser hardrecently,and Iwas
beginningto find this annoying. While
usingChrome,Iwould see lots of pop-
ups saying thatEdge is faster,uses less
battery,uses lessmemoryand has
moreofthis, thatand the other.
Thankfully,I(or rather Google)
managedto find away to curb and
perhapseliminate thesemessages.
Openthe Windows 10 Settingsapp
(Windows+i) and click System. Click
‘Notifications&actions’and, among
the settings,you’ll see one called‘Get
tips, tricksand suggestionsas youuse
Windows’. Sinceswitchingthis off,
Turn offadverts in Edge
Ihaven’t seen asingleEdge pop-up.
I’m keepingmy fingerscrossed that
I’vefinallyseen the lastofthem.
Gary Lee,via email
Switchoff thetipsoptiontogetridof
unwantedsuggestionsinWindows1 0
Is yourPCfeelingOK?Getahealthreport