WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1

74 4-17April 2018 [email protected]

conferencecallcostmethe thickend
of afiver!
Then adeviceentered my life that
changed everything: theGoogle Home
Mini.Iboughtthishandy little smart
speakerout of sheercuriosity,having
read so many reviewsclaiming how
Dots that I’ve got
around the
of itsregularprice cuts, whichdropped
theprice to only£40,and in that very
sameweekitlaunched anew feature
that wouldshortlycoverthatoutlay:
free callstoUKlandlinesand mobiles.
Makingcalls on theGoogle Home Mini
couldbarelybeeasier. If you’ve gotan
Android phone, as Ihave,Google
probably alreadyhas your contacts
stored in itscloud.Now allIhave to do
is say“OK Google,callRobertIrvine”,

BarryCollins findsacheapspeaker

to beathis mobilereceptionwoes

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forinstance, and it starts ringingthe
editor of this fine organ.
It’s much smarterthanthat, too.
BecauseGoogle knowseverything,
youcan even ring abusiness forwhich
youdon’t have anumber stored.
Ican commandGoogle to call “Chifoo
restaurant in
Burgess Hill”if
Iwanttoorder a
or “the nearest
Pets at Home
store” when
thedog wormed (don’t ask) –and all
withoutfirst having to find theirnumber.
If youalready have anumber to call,
youcan tell Google to do that,too.
Better still,you canenter your mobile
numberin theGoogle Home Mini’s
settings and have that displayedasthe
caller ID when you’re makingcalls from
thespeaker,sofriends and family know
it’s youcalling and notsomerandom
stranger who’sheard they’vebeenin
acar accident.
Theonlytimethe Google Home Mini
comesupshortiswhen you’re
confronted by acomputerised call-
answeringsystemthatwants you
to “press onetospeakto an advisor”.
There’sno“one” to press on aGoogle
Home Mini –it’sabuttonless puck of
aspeaker.However, if youhangonthe
line anddon’t press abutton, those
systemstendtothrow youtoahuman
operator eventually,soyou canusually
getwhatyou called for.
At astroke, this cheaplittledevice
hashalf-solved my dodgy mobile-
receptionwoes–itcan’t take incoming
calls, butIcan at least have those
routed to my landline when I’mathome.
If onlymyother BT problems were so
easy to solve.

to climbatreeinthegarden


ometimesIthink BT exists purely
to find inventivenew waysto
charges seemto irreversiblyand
incessantlytick upwardslikeataxi meter,
I’vehad morefaultyrouters than
microwaved dinnersand nowmyBT
Mobilereceptionhas becomeso patchy
thatIhavetoclimb atreeinthe garden
justtohear my callers.
So poor has thereception become
that Irecentlyresortedtomakingcalls
on my landline phoneinsteadofmy
mobile, to save me from having to guess
everythird word.Whatthatdidn’tsave
me, of course, wasmoney.
I’ve gotenoughbundled minuteson
my mobileplantoreciteWarand Peace
withoutfearofcreepingintoextra call
charges, yetthe onlytimeIget free calls
on thelandline is at weekends.And
have youseenthe regularBTcall
chargeslately? 13paminutetocall
landlines, 17paminutetomobiles and
a22p ‘set-upfee’toplace thecallinthe
first place. Arecent30-minute

Illustration: Andr

ew Torrens

It’s good to talk –

to theGoogleHomeMini

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