Systems Integration Asia – April-May 2018

(Wang) #1
day two and three programming was
themed on MXA Cerficaon, and meant
exclusively for the technical personnel.

The sessions for technical personnel
included applicaons in meeng room
environments, and related user problems;
Shure soluons plus supporng
technologies; system design and
installaon; and MXA best pracces and
voice li, besides a thorough hands-on
Microflex Advance – as the MXA 910 ceiling
array microphone, and the MXA 310 table
top array microphone are together referred
to – was the focus of the programme,
besides the P300 IntelliMix audio
conferencing processor forming part of the
“The programme is really good; we honestly
did not know it involves so many nuances,”
said Umesh who had come from
Coimbatore. “We now feel much beer
informed and much confident going to
install sites.” According to him, the young
aspirants today take to AV profession out of
excitement and opportunity, but struggle on
site due to inadequate exposure to some
crical aspects.

“It is through programmes like these we
gain deeper and beer understanding of
systems,” felt Sundareshan from Banglaore.

“These programmes allow us to spend some
good hands-on me with systems as well as
know some crical aspects which otherwise
are not possible.”

The trainer was visibly happy with the levels
of enthusiasm shown by the parcipants.
“They are willing to learn,” Moswain said.
“That's a good plus, and almost all of them
showed good skills too; a lile more
exposure like this can make them good
professionals in this parcular acvity.”

The purpose of the whole iniave is to
disseminate as much knowledge as possible
about the new systems and soluons that
are launched by Shure from me to me,
explains Hemant Gaba. “These systems are
very sophiscated in their technology and
applicaon; it is important for the
professionals – both on the sales side and
the installaon side – to know their unique
features and the kind of experience they
bring to the user spaces,” he elaborates. “It
is keeping this in mind, we, iniated this
programme, in
associaon with

The Sun Infonet exec
thanked ShureMEA for
the commendable
support the
manufacturer had been
lending all through. The
success of the iniave
has as much to the
support of ShureMEA as
much to the enthusiasm
from the local partners
and parcipants, he


Sun Infonet Conducts Training, Certication in Benglauru, Mumbai; Plans Roadmap for More

INDIA: Delhi-based Sun Infonet, one of the
leading audio distributors, and exclusive
Master distributor for ShureMEA in India,
iniated an ambious programme of
promong the popular Microflex range
systems from Shure in the country. The
programme, aimed at imparng necessary
skills in MXA range of systems to both
technical and pre-sales professionals, was
first conducted in Bengaluru, followed by
Mumbai within a space of six weeks.

“It is a naon-wide programme; we intend
to travel to important cies across the
country,” informed Hemant Gaba, Senior
Manager at Sun Infonet. “The next event
would be in Gurgaon, someme in April,” he
said. “The programme beyond that would
be mapped as we proceed.”
The three-day each programmes were
conducted by Shure MEA's Technical
Support Engineer Moswain Welsh Antao
who was flown in from Dubai for the
purpose, with Sun Infonet providing
necessary system set-
up in associaon with
the local partners in
the South and West.
The programmes in
both the cies had
about 20 parcipants
from the respecve
regions, and
comprised both
technical and

Of the three-day
programming, day
one was exclusively
for the pre-sales team
and the aendees
were taken through
the sessions on
System Overview and
Sales, and Digital
Audio Network, while

Taking the 'Microex Advance' to Indian Pros


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