Navori Updates QL Digital Signage Engine
Navori introduced several new
enhancements for the three main elements
that comprise the QL digital signage engine:
QL Player, QL Network Manager and QL
Navori demonstrated its special QL Player for
Samsung Tizen opera ng systems at ISE
- Now shipping, the new QL Player
essen ally comes with a remote content
triggering, which automates delivery of high-
priority content, and access and retrieval of
data feeds, which synchronizes data feeds
for playback within HTML5 anima ons.
With remote content triggering, QL Player
forwards important content to QL Server and
its integrated QL Remote Controller app.
That app then triggers the
corresponding content for
delivery to QL Player using web
sockets. And with dynamic
HTML5-driven access and
retrieval of data and graphics,
Tizen users can easily create
more sophis cated layouts using
HTML5 instead of standard
template and cker designs.
The QL Content Manager is the
core of Navori QL's mul -user, mul -tenant
flexibility, with a dynamic HTML5 user
interface and a straigh orward workflow with
dynamic design tools, mul -lingual support,
performance analy cs, content scheduling and
network monitoring tools among other
a ributes. New tools packaged into the QL
Content Manager include:
Condi onal triggering, which allows users to
select media in Content Manager's library, and
specify a value that will automa cally trigger
that content on QL Player when matched with
data from an RSS, XML or other feed. In the
case of mul ple matches, all triggered content
is played in succession. Automa c playlist
switchover in succession of priority, following
completed of the preceding playlist.
Audio content playout inside ckers on QL
Player for Windows, Android or Tizen
networks. QL's Ticker Designer tools
support drag-and-drop func onality for
audio clips and playlists, with op ons to
pause and resume content with one-second
fadeouts as new media or playlists are
added to and programmed within the
scheduling grid.
As the backbone of Navori QL, the QL Server
is responsible for centralizing all content
and players, providing a robust and
redundant delivery architecture, and
securing networks through access control
and other administra ve features.
Navori demonstrated new administra ve
func onality that strengthens network
oversight, including dynamic retrieval and
storage of Microso Exchange user and
resource calendar informa on within QL
Server. This ensures that data feeds from
the current day, or a predefined date range,
can be quickly recalled and presented for
development, tes ng and other
administra ve projects.