RTI Acquires Miravue,
Adds VoIP Advantage
RTI announced
the acquisi on
of Miravue
distribu on
solu on from
the company
of the same
name. Con nuing its efforts to provide dealers
with a comprehensive, end-to-end solu on,
RTI will offer the RTI Miravue VIP-1 video-over-
IP system for powerful, scalable AV distribu on
over Ethernet, coax cable, and wireless
For the ul mate in flexibility, the VIP-1 acts as
a transmi er, receiver, network switch, and
wireless access point, drama cally lowering AV
distribu on costs by reducing cabling and
installa on me. The unit supports
HDMI/HDCP 1.x and 2.x video sources with
ultra-low latency. In addi on, non-HDMI
sources such as mobile devices, network video
streams from IP cameras, and network-
a ached storage may be viewed without the
need for addi onal equipment. The VIP-1's
built-in scaler matches the displays' maximum
resolu on, while automa cally providing
stereo downmixing and lip-sync adjustment.
Perfect for new and retrofit installa ons, the
VIP-1 delivers high-quality HD video over
Ethernet, coax cable, and wireless networking.
Due to its low bandwidth usage, it does not
require any specialized networking gear, instead
needing only an unmanaged network switch for
Ethernet installa ons. The video over IP system
also acts as an extension of the RTI control
ecosystem. When combined with an XP
processor, it is capable of delivering IR and two-
way RS-232 control to connected devices,
allowing users to control them with the RTI
interface of their choice.
“Acquiring the Miravue video-over-IP solu on is
a key step toward our goal of providing
integrators with everything they need to
automate any environment,” said Ed
McConaghay, CEO of RTI.
“We are thrilled that RTI has become the home
of our Miravue video-over-IP system,” said
Robert Bishop, CEO at Miravue. “Both
companies have long histories of developing
innova ve and forward-thinking solu ons, and
bringing our products together into one control
and automa on ecosystem will deliver an
incredible amount of power and flexibility for
Sennheiser Unveils
New Evolution G4
Sennheiser launched evolu on G4, the fourth
genera on of its most popular product family.
Major upgrades to the G4 line-up are user-
inspired features such as mul channel
capabili es, single click scanning and set-up,
frequency agility, as well as longer range,
ba ery life and reliability. With four product
series in the range- the 100, 300, 500, and
IEM series- evolu on G4 is ideally suited to
meet the needs of the Live Performance,
Broadcast and Film, as well as the Business
and Educa on market segments.
“Whether it is in the corporate world, live
entertainment, theatre or broadcast, the
evolu on wireless series has long been the
professional's choice for the widest range of
applica ons,” said Mig Cardamone, Director
of Sales and Marke ng at Sennheiser Middle
East. “We have set the precedent of
introducing an ever-evolving feature set with
each itera on and ew G4 is no excep on,” he
added. “With many user-driven
improvements and features, it is the
culmina on of sixty years of exper se in
analogue wireless design.”