Getting Bigger And Better
The ISE 2018 pla orm for a change, presented a stage for debate
between 1G-10G-and more! Automa on control solu ons major
Crestron, as part of its product presenta on, took on the '10G and
more' no on in its own inimitable style by seeking to demonstrate on
booth-tes ng-and-results scenario.
Trying to highlight the DM NVX Difference to the install site, the
company sought to prove that the DM NVX works with standard off-
the-shelf 1Gb Ethernet Switcher, and performs be er than the
compe ng SVSi, and HDBaseT pla orms that take 10Gb Ethernet. The
company showed the tes ng and performance results on the booth in
terms of quality test, latency test and environmental effect test.
While the results did show Crestron solu on performed be er, it led
to a debate on the show floor itself- 1G can never perform be er
than 10G unless the associated devices used for 10G were low-end, or
earlier versions of low performance.
A prominent exhibitor occupying the floor space adjacent to Crestron
took objec on to the way the company sought to demonstrate the
process. “We offered our latest products to test and prove; they
refused,” he said, adding “we did take the point to the a en on of
the organizers, and we feel it is important for industry and users to
know what is what. Else they are not only misled, but end up with
contemptuous solu ons.”
Another prominent advocate of HDBaseT went ahead issuing counter
news, asking “let them prove.” The company also sought to present
the cri cal difference between 1G and 10G, and the ul mate
performance or advantages that the 10G network brings to place.
“We wouldn't' say much on this; everyone would have their own
business strategy, but that should benefit the industry, NOT mislead
it,” said another exhibitor in the SVSi band wagon.
That it is prac cally impossible to review every product from the oceanic spreads of the 1200+ exhibitor booths,
SIA has reviewed through its enewsle ers over the past few weeks some of the products it felt have maximum
reach across the industry spectrum. While avoiding all that repe on, SIA presents some of the important
products from the remaining lot. Here we go:
Atlona 'ACT': First 4K
HDBaseT Receiver Solution
Atlona introduced the AT-HDVS-SC-RX, its
first HDBaseT receiver with Atlona
CrystalScale Technology (ACT), a 4K scaling
and video wall processing engine at ISE
- The HDVS-SC-RX carries over the most
per nent features of its 1080p-only
predecessor, the HDVS-200-RX, including
image adjustment capability, audio de-
embedding, and the ability to automa cally
match incoming signals to the display's
na ve resolu on.
For the first me, Atlona has engineered
CrystalScale, the core signal processing
engine to fully op mize image quality and
switching performance. This includes new
features to support mirror/flip and 90° image
rota on, mo on-adap ve video de-
interlacing, 3:2 pull-down, aspect ra o
control, and internal test pa ern genera on.
The HDVS-SC-RX integrates cleanly with the
HDVS-200 Series of switching transmi ers
(standard or wall plate) as well as Atlona
matrix switchers and distribu on amplifiers
with HDBaseT outputs. When used with
Atlona distribu on amplifiers, customers can
cost-efficiently scale the output architecture
to support video walls of any size.
The HDVS-SC-RX can be remotely configured,
managed and monitored over the Internet
via the free Atlona Management System
(AMS 2.0) network so ware pla orm, and
integrates seamlessly with Atlona's recently-
related Velocity control system.
Barix Bridges the 'Great
Divide' with New IP Audio
Audio over IP pioneer Barix evolved its
market-leading innova on in SIP (Session
Ini a on Protocol)-based paging and
intercom solu ons with its new SIP Zone
Paging firmware. Debuted at ISE, Barix's
latest solu on for SIP architectures fully and
more efficiently integrates audio and paging
capabili es with IP-based telephone systems
in a seamless, firmware-based approach.
The new Barix SIP Zone Paging firmware
runs on exis ng Barix hardware, including
Exstreamer decoders and Annuncicom two-
way audio devices, and enables systems
A War of Gigabyte Size: What does it mean to industry?
Some Glimpses into Those That Glittered at ISE