mo vate the young genera on to choose AV
as career.”
“It is indeed heartening to see the strides
made by AVIXA in a very short span of me
to uphold the quality
standards and be recognised
by premium ins tu ons and
accredita on bodies like
NABET; We wish AVIXA well
for all the future
accredita ons as well and
these are steps in the right
direc on,” says Vineet Singh, Managing
Director of HMPL Consul ng. “We at HMPL
Consul ng congratulate the AVIXA team,
specially the Indian team to achieve this
milestone and we shall con nue to
contribute to the successful evolu on and
journey of AVIXA in the region.”
The QCI/NABET accredita on:
Authen ca on of Quality
QCI is a joint ini a ve by Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of
India and three premier industry
associa ons- Associated Chambers of
Commerce (ASSOCHAM); Confedera on of
Indian Industry (CII), and Federa on of
Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(FICCI). Set up in 1997, the QCI is mandated
to lead a na onwide quality movement in
India in industrial sector by involving all the
stakeholders for emphasis on adherence to
quality standards.
The QCI, with its standards cons tuent body
NABET, authen cates quality standards in
diverse segments of life and business, as
mandated by ISO/IEC 17025:2017. However,
it does not accord its endorsement by any
normal choice but by stringent evalua on
and audit of the company's opera onal
processes before giving its stamp of quality
For AVIXA's CTS training and cer fica on
ini a ve, QCI team comprising Vanita Yadva,
C S Sharma, Shivani Mishra and others
visited AVIXA's headquarters in Fairfox, USA,
and audited their opera onal and training
process before finding a compelling reason
for according its accredita on. That speaks
of the quality adherence AVIXA brings to its
Dan Dugan Celebrates with Yamaha at ISE
INTERNATIONAL: Nowadays, inventors of
key developments in the modern pro audio
industry are recognised as pioneers,
visionaries, even 'living legends'. Significant
anniversaries arrive with increasing
frequency, but not many enjoy three at the
same me!
Dan Dugan has spent his en re life involved
with audio although, ironically, his first job in
the produc on industry was as a ligh ng
designer. It was when designing the audio
for an early 1970s produc on of the musical
Hair that he saw the need for an automated
solu on to control mul ple microphones.
Being both resourceful and determined, he
set about inven ng one. The rest, one could
say, is history.
Throughout the early 2000s, there were
increasing calls from Yamaha US customers
for Dan's automated mic mixing technology
to be made available in the company's digital
consoles and DME series digital mixing
engines. Posi ve discussions between Dan
and Yamaha's Marc Lopez, Ma Hasegawa
and Hiroshi Hamamatsu resulted, in 2011, in
the Dugan-MY16 automa c mixing
controller card. This enabled a wide range of
Yamaha digital mixing products to add up to
16 channels of automated microphone
With the launch of Yamaha's CL series digital
mixers, the company's Masaaki 'Mick'
Okabayashi and Dan discussed the possibility
of incorpora ng the technology within the
CL opera ng system itself. Finding it was
possible to achieve using Yamaha DSP, Dan
and the Yamaha development engineers
worked closely to implement it.
Since then, the technology has been
incorporated into Yamaha's en re current
range of digital mixing consoles - from the
flagship RIVAGE PM10 system right through
to the entry-level TF series - as well as the
MTX/MRX series of matrix processors. This
means that all of these products now feature
cu ng-edge, automated mic mixing as
“Dan's technology has made a massive
difference to a wide range of produc ons -
from theatre shows to corporate
conferences, broadcast debates and many
others. We are very pleased to be able to
celebrate these three significant milestones
with him at ISE 2018,” says Nils-Peter Keller,
Senior Director Pro Audio & AV Group at
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH.
“As a fellow pioneering audio company, it is
both appropriate and gra fying that we have
been able to work closely with Dan for a
number of years, allowing Yamaha users to
embrace the many benefits of his automated
mic mixing technology.”
“Working with Yamaha has been wonderful
because I've provided the idea, but they've
provided a red hot team of engineers to
realise it in their own DSP, which is pre y
extraordinary,” adds Dan. “It's been a very
posi ve, deligh ul rela onship and I hope it
will last for a long me.”
Dan Dugan – the inventor of the automa c microphone mixer – is celebra ng his 75th
birthday this year on with a speciality. It's his 50th year in business, and 35th year of his
laboratory on Napoleon Street, San Francisco. Since 2011 Dan Dugan Sound Design
technology has been a key component in Yamaha's digital mixing systems, so the company
invited him to a surprise celebra on on its stand at ISE 2018.
Dan Dugan being presented with the cake (le );
Dan Dugan answering a query during the interac on on the occasion.