Pierre Samson,
Vice President of Sales,
APAC, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Mike Pedero: Consultant, Tracks
Acous cs, Philippines
Are you as a consultant seeing any
major technology shi in terms of
requirement in Houses of Worship? If
yes what are they?
We are seeing the more ac ve use of video in the sermon
por on of the worship. Phrases from the Bible and quotes
from Chris an authors are flashed for addi onal impact on
teachings. We see a lot more crea ve use of lights in the
music por on. Furthermore, more wireless controls are
becoming popular for ease of use.
What in general are the AV challenges faced in a Houses of
Worship integra on and installa on?
Budgets are primary problems. They would always want
the best systems for a small amount of money. What we
do is discuss and allow expansion or addi on in the
systems when the budget would be available in the future.
Specific to the Philippines market, has there been a
significant increase in the demand for higher quality AV in
the segment? If so which areas is the demand mainly for -
audio, video, ligh ng, broadcas ng?
Yes. Mainly on all. Streaming is becoming more popular,
thus HD broadcasts are becoming more of a norm. Sound
and video resolu on follow this need. Ligh ng has to be
improved with lots of flexibility as viewing via the net is
becoming popular especially for Church members who are
What are some of the key criteria one has to consider
when designing and integra ng AV solu ons in Houses of
Flexibility, budget constraints and expansion for the future
or future proofing are main ma ers to consider in
designing for Churches nowadays.
Any other comment?
Churches have become complex edifices, not only in terms
of the physical arrangements but in crea vity, opera on
and future proofing. It is the center of audio visual ac vity;
that all elements of audio, acous cs, video and ligh ng
must e in to create an experience for the Church goer. It
should have a few surprises, so Church worshippers feel a
different experience each me they come to Church. The
teaching should be aided by media so it becomes effec ve.
Today's world is mul media. The Church should be one as
well to a ract a endance and effec vely teach the Word.
Mike Pedero can be reached at tracksacous [email protected]
Rudi Hidayat: Owner, Systems
Integrator, V2, Indonesia
As a systems integrator are you seeing
any major technology shi in terms of
requirement in Houses of Worship?If
yes what are they?
In Indonesia Houses of Worship, the major technology
display shi is from High Brighness Projector to LED
Display. And the pixel pitch trend now is P2.6 and P3.9
The other trend is Digital Signage. The HoW are trying to
go paperless, so all informa on will go through Kiosk
Signage and also Mobile Apps.
What in general are the AV challenges faced in a Houses of
Worship integra on and installa on?
In replacing their display, we also need to ensure the
change at all FOH Sources. For example, previously they
use projector and most of them s ll using VGA and analog
Camera, and we must get them to change to PC, HD-SDI
Camera, Digital Video Mixer etc.
And of course there is always budget considera on
especially if they want to install LED systems.
The other situa on, is that the churches are not ready to
prepare the structure wall or ceiling to accommodate LED
as currently they use screens. So we need to help them
with special structure to help them prepare.
Specific to the Indonesian market, has there been a
significant increase in the demand for higher quality AV in
the segment? If so which areas is the demand mainly for -
audio, video, ligh ng, broadcas ng?
Video and Broadcas ng. They are more focused on high
resolu on images and video, changing to be er resolu on
camera and HD-SDI connec on. That actually is the reason
they are also changing from projectors to LED.
What are some of the key criteria one has to consider
when designing and integra ng AV solu ons in Houses of
It is important that the solu ons are User Friendly and
that Maintenance is minimised and where LED and video
is concerned that it is easy to develop contents.
Rudi Hidayat can be contacted at: [email protected]