AV over IP solution helps achieve objectives
Adventist Hospital Fights Cancer with AV Strengths
and peer-to-peer systems to deliver stored energy to the bridge. By
using peer-to-peer technology, it is possible to virtualise the
connec on between the ba ery and the bridge and therefore
balance the energy being used and discharged at any me.
Energy generated by the solar panels, situated in Wynyard Quarter,
is stored in Tesla Powerpack (a ba ery). Currently there are 248
solar panels providing energy for the bridge with more to follow
bringing the total to 600.
Smart meters situated at the ba ery installa on and on the bridge
will relay data between each other every 10 seconds. This means
that the amount of energy Vector Lights uses at any one me will be
relayed back to the ba ery which will then release this amount of
energy back into the grid – ensuring a constant balance
By using solar and ba ery to power Vector Lights, as opposed to
tradi onal means, 13.6 tons of carbon is prevented from going into
the atmosphere each year. When the addi onal solar panels are
installed and ba ery to power the street lights on the bridge, the
carbon avoided each year will increase to 27 tons.
Vector Lights is part of a wider 10-year smart energy partnership
between Vector and Auckland Council, with the Vector Lights
project being delivered in collabora on with the NZ Transport
Mandylights Personnel
Richard Neville - Ligh ng Designer / Managing Director
Jean Pierre Jammaers - Project Manager
Kate Chalker - General Manager
Clint Dulieu - Technical Designer
Shane Radcliffe - Construc on Manager
Beth Iverson Evere - Produc on Assistant
Lawrence Evere - Install Technician / Rope Access
Josh Neusinger - Install Technician / Rope Access
Ben Trowell - Install Technician
Adrian Franulovich - Network Support
Ian Neville - Project Support
Nick Sheen - Project Support
Photos courtesy of Jean Pierre Jammaers, Richard Neville, Hamish