Mother Jones - May 01, 2018

(Michael S) #1


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The age of Trump has been a
boom time for illustrators, as
artists compete to come up
with more ambitious designs
for the endless stream of news.
That raises the bar for design-
ers like adam vieyra, who
joined MoJo as the digital art
director in 2017 after years
at San Diego newspapers.
His photo illustrations and
graphic designs (pages 11, 31,
and 32 to 35) for this issue
were fueled by lots of coffee
and basketball podcasts.

stephanie mencimer
has covered the courts and
domestic policy for Mother
Jones for the last 10 years. She
was diagnosed with breast
cancer in April 2017 and
soon set out to learn why
she never knew alcohol was
such a risk factor. Her story
on how the booze industry
has tried to convince people
that drinking is good for
them (“Bottled Up,” page 44)
is published as she marks her
first year as a cancer survivor.

Atlanta-based science jour-
nalist maryn mckenna
has written about epidem-
ics, disasters, and superbugs
around the world: polio
eradication in India, a field
hospital in New Orleans
during Hurricane Katrina,
and, for this issue, a lost
Soviet antibiotic alternative
called bacteriophages (“The
Best Viral News You’ll Ever
Read,” page 54). Big Chicken,
her second book on antibi-
otics, was published in 2017.

espn senior writer howard
bryant has had his
columns on race and social
issues in sports twice nom-
inated for National Maga-
zine Awards. His new book,
The Heritage: Black Athletes,
a Divided America, and the
Politics of Patriotism (Beacon),
chronicles the rise, fall,
and post-Ferguson return
of the politically engaged
black athlete, from Jackie
Robinson to Colin Kaepernick
(“Holding Court,” page 61).
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