Entertainment Weekly - May 11, 2018

(Michael S) #1
Ryan Reynolds may need
to send Sandra Bullock a
gift basket. The pair’s 2009
romantic comedyThe Proposal
was one of the key elements in
landing Josh Brolin as Cable in
Deadpool 2. “I was a secret fan
ofThe Proposal, having
watched it several times by
myself,” says Brolin, 50, cur-
rently on screen as Thanos in
Avengers: Infinity War. “I told
Ryan. I was like, ‘I don’t know
why this is, and I don’t know
what this means psychologi-
cally, behaviorally, emotionally,
but I have kind of a crush on
you.’ ” Cable, though, is much
less friendly. A time-traveling
warrior from the future, Cable
arrives inDeadpool 2to kill a
mutant who will eventually
wreak havoc years from now.
Brolin had only 11 weeks to
transform his body to play the
ripped badass and admits it
was a bit much. “What I should
have done was just f---ing blow
myself up with steroids and
then just eat ice cream and
watch TV,” jokes Brolin. “That’s
kind of what I wish I would
have done. But I didn’t. I had
this great midlife-crisis idea.
Buy a Ferrari? No, I’ll get into
shape. And it was just a dumb
decision. I worked out three
sugar. I’m very happy with the
outcome. I think I want to do
something a little diferent in
the next movie. I think I wanna
get a little bigger and see
what that’s like.” Size matters.




bombshell that I think we need to exploit
somewhere in this movie.”
There’s been some concern thatDead-
poolis a hard-R-rated series, and Disney
might not like that. Have you been given
any afirmations about the future of the
No, nothing. I really genuinely don’t
know a thing about it. I read that [CEO
and chairman] Bob Iger felt that there’s
plenty of room in that universe to have a
rated-R character like Deadpool. This is
completely conjecture on my part, but I
wouldn’t imagine that Disney bought
Fox to dismantle it or something like that.
I think that Disney bought Fox so it could
have that in its arsenal.

a joke that is not in the movie now
because—I’m probably not even allowed
to say this—Fox made me take it out.
It had more to do with Disney, and they
made me take it out. As I look back at it,
I think maybe that was a wise decision.
[Disney acquired 21st Century Fox in
December 2017.]
Yes, probably.
[TheYentl/Frozen comparison] is some-
thing that’s been bugging me for a number
of years. I have children, so I listen to the
songs of these Disney movies. I heard this
song on this particular Disney movie and I
thought, “Boy, that sounds familiar.” It so
happens that the week before I had been
watchingYentl and I thought, “That is a







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