Tyre Asia – May-June 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

Tyre Asia April/May 2018 117

Anil Mishra is the MD & CEO of National
Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE). He is an
expert on commodity trading, supply chain
management and trading in derivatives. He is
also an international speaker, presenter and
writer. The views expressed here are of the author
and not that of the Exchange
Anil Mishra

Time Correction in

commodity price


What is Market Correction?

Whenever market rallies it is bound to
correct which means it will fall in price.
A market correction has traditionally
been defined as a fall in the value of the
commodity that is greater than 10%
but less than 20%. If the fall in value is
greater than 20%, it is called a market
crash. If the fall is less than 10%, well
it is simply the daily functioning of
the markets and is normal fluctuation.
Market doesn’t move only in one
direction. correction implies dip in
prices. corrections are a relatively
amicable way to solve the problem of
an overheated market. crashes cause
unparalleled investor agony. corrections
are also painful but most investors
survive them. Market correction can
happen price wise and/or time wise:

  1. Price correction – The commodity
    prices do correct and fall in prices.
    example: like rubber has corrected from
    the highs of Rs 220 Rs/Kg. to Rs 120/
    Kg but over longer period of time. Most
    people understand this concept.

  2. What is Time Correction?

Time correction, is when the price
of commodities stay stagnant for an
extended period of time, let’s say, two
to three years. In this scenario there has
not been any explicit fall in the value
of the commodity. The value remains
in narrow range. however, implicitly
investors have lost time value of money.
If the money invested in the commodity
was simply parked in a bank, it would
be earning interest and therefore
growing at a rate of return higher than
zero. Implicitly the investors have lost
money and there has been a correction
in the value of the commodity. Since the
correction was caused by the passage of
time, it is called a “time correction”

Though it doesn’t look like price
correction but it has in reality corrected
in price over time because it has not
even earned the value of carrying the
cost of the commodity. To that extent it
has corrected in price and this is called
time correction. correction in time
means the market can just go sideways.

When commodity prices rally
exponentially in short period of time

  • then they undergo long period of
    underperformance (time correction)
    which allows fundamentals to catch
    up with prices. Time correction can
    be very painful for Long-term Buy and
    hold Investors. Time correction is just
    Law of nature. every exciting long day
    is followed by long night. every exciting
    phase is followed by long dull phase.

Time Correction: How
Markets reconcile to
dominance of Bulls and
Booms and busts have now become
a normal part of the business cycles.
Due to supply demand mismatch, the
value of commodity is expected to rise
and fall depending on the shortage or
abundance of supply. When supply
is not able to match the demand of
commodity, the price of commodity
rises, which encourages producer to
produce more and later the balance is
achieved. When balance is achieved the
market goes sideways for long period
of time and the price of the commodity
doesn’t increase in any meaningful
way. The holder and producers of
the commodity feel the effect of time
correction. Though on face of it the
price of the commodity doesn’t fall
but in real terms the holder of the
commodity has realized less because his
additional cost of holding was not paid
off. hence he felt the correction in price
for holding the commodity for longer
period of time. The price stagnation is
actually a hidden correction called Time
correction, which disincetivises the
investors or distributors or producers
for holding the commodity.
In this article, we will have a closer look
at the concept of time correction and
how it affects the marketplace.

Leverage and Time
An investor’s wealth can be seriously
eroded if they face a time correction
while being leveraged. consider the
case of investor who has borrowed Rs
100 to buy and hold the commodity
at 10% interest. In the first few years
the interest will be close to Rs 10 per

year since almost all the principal is
due. hence, such a person is paying
almost Rs10 to hold. hence, if the price
of commodity does not rise more than
10% in the given period, they end up
making a loss. If commodity prices stay
stagnant for 3 years, the investor stands
to lose Rs30 in the way of interest paid
or interest foregone. This is a fall in the
value of an asset.

Leverage amplifies the rate at which
investors lose money in the case of
a time correction. In the absence of
leverage, Rs 30 would be a notional loss.
In the presence of leverage Rs 30 is an
actual out of pocket cash loss. If a large
number of investors do not have the
cash flow required to sustain this time
correction, it could lead to foreclosures
and even cause a price correction or
even a crash in the marketplace.

It is therefore true that prices do not
have to fall for investors to lose money.
even if they simply stay stagnant,
investor wealth can be seriously eroded.

Why Do Time Corrections
Investor ego: Markets usually have
investors with deep pockets that
influence the direction in which the
market moves. Sometimes both bulls
and bears have deep pockets and
neither is willing to relent. A small rise
in price quickly puts the bears in action
whereas a small fall in price quickly puts
the bulls into action. Since neither is
willing to relent, a stalemate seems like
a natural solution.

Fundamentals catch Up: Also, since
time correction is not recognized by
mainstream economics yet, it does
not attract negative publicity. The
underlying factors such as income
and rising demand for the commodity
quickly catch up and the price which
was inflated a few years earlier can now
be justified with the higher incomes.

The understanding of time correction
is extremely important to investors,
especially the ones who make leveraged
bets since it has a very real impact on
the cash flows and could potentially
bankrupt them.
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