Tyre Asia – May-June 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

Tyre Asia April/May 2018 43

Transformation and Sustainability
(IC-IMPACTS) funded the project.
The project demonstrated that this
technology could be implemented
in many rural and remote locations
around the world. It is a low-
cost material requiring minimum
maintenance and we anticipate
the road in Thondebhavi will last
as long as 15 years before needing

The road has been monitored now
for over a year and the results are

good as expected. A condition
assessment of the pavement
indicates that the material is
performing well under heavy rains
and extreme heat. Other tests
performed by the SIERA group
predict it should also perform well in
extreme cold conditions.

While use of recycled
tyre crumbs in pavement
application is fairly
accepted universally,
the use of polymer fibres
for tyres is unique as it
improves resilience of
concrete while extending
its life-span. How cost
effective is your process?

We developed the material in such
a way that adding the scrap tyre
fibres to the concrete improves
the resilience of the concrete and
extends its lifespan. We also reduced
the cost by using a high strength
material requiring lower thickness in
placement such as roads. The high
resiliency of the material guarantees
minimal maintenance, high
durability, increased service life, and
lower life-cycle cost.

It is said that polymer
fibres used in concrete
also bridges cracks
as they form. Can you
explain this phenomenon?
Polymer fibres — either extracted
from tyres or the co-extruded
nano-coated fibres used in the
Tondebhavi Road — bond with
concrete. Once a crack forms, the
fibres work to bridge cracks and
provide much higher resistance
to crack growth. The cracks,
therefore, remain narrow, do not
extend with time, and in fact, can
even heal themselves due to closing

Fibers in concrete


s cracks form
in the concrete,
nano-coated fibres
prevent them from
widening, and produce
additional materials
in a high humidity
environment that allow
the cracks to heal. This
was the technology
used in the road built
in Tondebhavi near
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