The CEO Magazine EMEA – April 2018

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Moving forward, Mostafa’s focus will be on
integrating data analytics as a means of streamlining
production and customising the way OCP develops
its fertilisers.
“We are in the process of implementing a digital
philosophy across the board, not just in production
but also in our own internal management and
processes. This means getting in touch with the tech
capabilities of our younger OCP colleagues, so we are
digitalising our culture,” he says. “Our objective is not
to be at the forefront of the industry, but to create a
culture where innovation thrives – whether that puts
us in a leadership position or not.”
In the long term, OCP will take advantage of
continued strong demand at home and abroad,
particularly from its unique access to the rising
African market and its production of customised
products. To encourage a more stable, sustainable
output in Africa, Mostafa says industry leaders must
ensure that African farmers have access to the inputs
they need, so that agriculture can help drive the
regions broader economic development. “These inputs
include fertiliser, seeds and water, as well as financial

“ Corporate social responsibility isn’t

something we do on the side of

our core production activities; it is

very much embedded in our role

as a responsible company.”

advice, knowledge on how to utilise these resources,
and how to sell them effectively in the downstream
market,” he says. “We are working hard to create this
ecosystem for farmers, and we’re already hearing
success stories. However, there is still massive
untapped potential as we see the green revolution
take off in Africa. It’s a matter of affording the
African farmer the same environment that’s been
successful in other regions.” He continues, explaining
that Africa is the only continent left in the world
where there is huge potential for sustainable yield
improvements that don’t strain the use of marginal
lands or threaten valuable water supplies.

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