5280 Magazine – May 2018

(avery) #1

54 |^5280 |^ MAY 20^18

1889 16th St.

T H E D R A W :

A focus on
hospitality, wine
wizardry, and
rustic, technical
Italian food

A few dishes still
need finessing;
early dinner
service can
be rushed

Snacks at the
bar; gnocchi with
lamb ragu; tuna
with squid and
sorbets; the
exciting wine list

In Style

Tavernetta was the most anticipated Denver opening in

recent memory—and it lives up to the hype.


y chic Danish friend and I walked into Tavernetta on a brisk afternoon a few
months ago, she in fabulous boots that look like they’re covered in tiny disco-ball
mirrors, me in salaryman Rockports. We passed the ireplace lounge that over-
looks the tracks at Union Station and took a sharp left around the massive open
kitchen, where, amid a bustle of cooks, one chef was hand-cutting a four-foot
yolk-yellow banner of pasta. Our host led us into the irst of two compact, but not
cramped, dining rooms; pale stone walls, fabric banquettes, and rich wood accents make the
space feel as if it were a sanctuary. My friend looked around and said, “Good hygge.” For the
next 100 minutes, we had a properly urbane lunch whose timbre, in food and service, echoed
one you might ind in Italy’s Milan or Bologna.
From the get-go, Tavernetta bears the imprint of its Boulder parent, Frasca Food and
Wine. here, partners Bobby Stuckey, Peter Hoglund, and Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson
have perfected a Uniied heory of Hospitality that has much in common with that of
Wolfgang Puck in L.A. or Danny Meyer in New York City: fastidious but relaxed pam-
pering. Stuckey’s master sommelier expertise has also produced one of the most important
Italian wine programs in the country, winning Frasca numerous accolades, including a

James Beard Award
for Outstanding Wine
Service in 2013.
Italian wine fans
were rightly excited
about what Stuckey’s
team could bring to
Denver. he Tav-
ernetta list, curated
and updated weekly
by wine director
Carlin Karr, runs
long from the Alps to
Sardinia, meander-
ing into interesting
class Verdicchio from
Villa Bucci in Marche,
eight diferent terroir
oferings from the
Mt. Etna vineyards of
Passopisciaro in Sicily.
Yes, the list contains a
lot of deep-pocket ex-



Nisa Sedaghat (2)

From left:
Taver net t a’s
fireplace lounge;
bowls of gnocchi
and ravioli
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