In 2006, I moved to the Dominican
Republic and learned to scuba dive.
In front of our resort, at the
introductory dive site, was a coral
restoration project that continues
to inspire me today. Coming from
Canada, I knew nothing about corals,
let alone that you could grow them like
a garden underwater, but from that
moment forward I knewI had no other
choice but to devote my life to the
ocean and protecting coral reefs.
By the next year, I passed my
IDC exam and became a PADI dive
instructor, and since then I have been
fortunate to travel the world teaching
scuba diving,managing dive centres,
By: Nicole Helgason
The Coral Communicator
and promoting coral awareness.
Now, more than ever, corals
are in the spotlight, and the field
of coral restoration and coral
gardening are a beacon of hope for the
future generation.
Corals are the foundation of the
marine environment, providing critical
habitat for fish, protecting coastlines
from erosion, and feeding hundreds
of millions of people worldwide. But
often I have often found that corals,
in particular, the diversity of coral
species, do not get the recognition they
deserve amongst scuba divers.
This observation comes from a
decade of working in the dive industry.
ABOVE: The coral reef in Tela consists of short ridges covered
in lettuce corals and gorgonians
IMAGE: Nicole Helgason