Asian Diver – March 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

“Visitors to the Center for Marine
Conservation will learn about the
Coral Triangle region’s unique
biodiversity, its people’s well-being
and livelihood”

  • Rili Djohani

ABOVE: “Escape Room SOS from the
Deep” is Indonesia’s first ocean
conervation themed escape room
IMAGE: Coral Triangle Center

The centre is also home to
CTC’s Wayang Samudra, a collection
of 30 traditional puppets modelled
after marine animals, with each
performance highlighting various
ocean issues. Another exhibit is the
Coral Wall, a monumental sculpture
with 3,000 ceramic coral pieces
made by artists and volunteers that
showcases the beauty of life under the
ocean’s surface.
“In the years to come,” says Djohani,
“CTC will continue to collaborate
with partners to develop and deliver
creative and innovative solutions to
inspire people to save our oceans
and stem the tide of destruction in
our reefs.” AD

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