Asian Diver – March 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

Pacific to answer questions of the
effectiveness of the no-take zones
and propose an efficient conservation
policy to decision makers. Migramar’s
researchers now know that sharks only
stay at aggregation sites temporarily,
and that individuals move regularly
from one island to another. The group
also knows that larger no-take areas

are necessary to protect these highly
migratory species during their stay at
aggregation sites, as some species,
including endangered hammerhead
sharks at Cocos Island, venture
considerably beyond the 20-kilometre
no-take area during nocturnal feeding
excursions and are thus vulnerable to
fisheries. Finally, Migramar experts

hammerhead sharks were
the first species of shark
to be protected by the
U.S. Endangered Species Act
IMAGES: Fins Attached

LEFT: Shark populations
are quickly depleting
due to overfishing
IMAGES: Shmulic Blum

know that after aggregating, many of
these highly migratory species follow
defined routes or “swimways” to other
Shark Triangle islands.
Scientific evidence also shows that
larger no-take areas lead to better
protection of highly migratory species
and as a result increase the profitability
of fisheries in surrounding waters
due to the spill-over effect. This case
has been proven with tuna fisheries
in waters surrounding the Galápagos
Islands’ no-take zone.
Thus, saving Eastern Tropical Pacific
sharks is not only going to take larger
no-take zones in waters surrounding
the islands of the Shark Triangle, it
will also take policies that limit and
control fisheries along these defined
swimways. Migramar scientists are
currently calling for the protection of
the “Cocos Galápagos Swimway”, along
the 700-kilometre submerged Cocos
Ridge, a highly magnetic submerged
mountain range, of which Cocos Island
and the Galápagos Islands constitute
summits that break the surface.
Fins Attached Marine Research and
Conservation has been collaborating
with Migramar members since 2005,
and will continue to support not only
the performance and publication of
high quality science that answers
these and other questions, but the
regional political processes that
will lead to science based policy and
efficient protection for the sharks of
the Shark Triangle.
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