By: Sharks4Kids
Building the Future
The goal of Sharks4Kids is to create
the next generation of shark advocates
through education, outreach and
adventure. Each year, we work to
expand our reach and develop new
education and outreach programmes.
We work with students around the
world, but we are based in Florida, so
many of our projects take place there.
This year, we are focusing on the Shark
Science Education Days programme,
education and outreach in the Bahamas
shark sanctuary and our student shark
tagging project. Along with these
projects, we are also updating and
creating new curriculum packets and
materials, which are free for educators.
Shark Science Education Days are
run by founders Jillian Morris and Derek
Burkholder at the Marine Environmental
Education Centre in Hollywood, Florida.
This free programme is offered to
50 students over the course of two
sessions. In these sessions, the students
are introduced to shark tagging, where
discussions on the equipment used,
how it is used, the data collected and
why sharks are tagged are brought up.
Younger students participate in hands-
on activities, including a “workup” on
a shark. This is the data collection
process where we measure, take a
tissue sample and tag the shark. To
simulate this, students use a plush
shark and work as a team to collect
all the necessary data in the shortest
amount of time possible. Timing allows
them to understand the importance
of working quickly and efficiently. The
older students watch a shark dissection,
learning about the external and internal
anatomy of the sharks. These sessions
ABOVE: Jillian teaching a student how to insert a roto tag during a scientific workup
LEFT: The team ready to release a tagged 2.4 metre bull shark
IMAGES: Duncan Brake