Asian Diver – March 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1


the latest news
and stories

© Aaron Wong/ ADEX Photography Ambassador

ABOVE: Liz and Brendon give presentations to over
30,000 students per year
IMAGE: Shark Guardian

LEFT: The team in South Africa for the Sardine Run
IMAGE: Steve Woods

Run – one of the greatest natural marine
events in the world. Every June to July,
sardines migrate from west to east on
the South African coastline, attracting all
kinds of predators that swim or fly. During
the Sardine Run, the Shark Guardian
team dived with several species of sharks,
swam with super pods (thousands)
of dolphins, got close to whales, and
experienced what it is like when they all
came together to hunt on the sardine
baitball. This two-week expedition was
a chance for anyone to learn more
about sharks in general, how to dive
with sharks, take part in citizen science
research and experience some of the best
diving in the world.
As part of the expedition, Shark
Guardian representatives conducted
shark education presentations and
workshops. During each dive, data and
observation records were collected
for shark and marine research. All
participants got actively involved with this
process. Such data is extremely valuable
to monitor populations of sharks and
other marine species in the protected
areas around Aliwal Shoal and the
surrounding reefs. Information collected
is submitted to local and international
research projects such as eOceans.

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