Domus India – March 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1


To be clear, if there is one valid project for design,
it is the revolution, but I do not mean the bloody
take-over by the Bolsheviks or the brick-throwing
protests of the ’68 Situationists (even if some
brick-throwing might still be necessary).
I mean the consideration of possible utopias,
the creation of a universal infrastructure based
on equality and liberty for all. It means discussing
the failure of neo-liberal capitalism to support
society and to propose an egalitarian global
communism with a form of democracy that works
and allows us to be fair to each other while getting
our individual kicks.

From reality to metaphor and back again
As a way of dealing with a design that is concerned
with a total picture, I introduce three main
concepts to my work: the Non Gesamt/Gesamt
Kunstwerk (how to look at a totality without being
a totalitarian), the Every-topia (using the here,
now and readily available as a way to uncomplicate
the modern), and the concept of constant humour
(as another access to the divine). I see my works
as prototypes or user manuals, existing somewhere
between reality (because that is the goal) and
metaphor (because sometimes the challenge is
so vast that only metaphor is capable of grasping
it). But I also see them as a meme, ready to be passed
on and modified as necessary.
The goal is of course “vivid blue every-colour
inhabitations of the planet, the transformation

of reality, and a multitude of happy endings”
(double entendre intended), or as Richard Rorty,
the American atheist pragmatist philosopher,
said, “My sense of the holy is bound with the hope
that someday my remote descendants will live
in a global civilisation in which love is pretty
much the only law.”^ We have a way to go.

Amateur Workshops and Dirty Art Department
In 2008 I began a series of exhibitions as workshops
to discuss the possibility of an Amateur society.
Using a technical wax both as a physical and
metaphorical connection between things, people
and ideas, capitalism was artificially cut out and
replaced with the idea of a libidinal economy. The
revolution was proposed as “the fulfilment of the
production in the hands of the people”.
It became evident that the discussion had to go
past the representational boundaries of the
museum and take a step into reality. Together
with a few colleagues, the idea of a non-institutional
school called Nuclear Banana was conceived. After
several failed attempts, the Sandberg Instituut
in Amsterdam made the invitation, and the Dirty
Art Department was founded in 2011.
The Dirty Art Department runs on a collective
basis, examination criteria are open to discussion
and can even be abolished, and there is a mutual
exchange in the student-teacher relationship.
Individually, students delve deep into singular
positions, while workshops discuss general social

issues, and the arrival of certain contexts creates
the grounds for collective action.
In 2013, many students found themselves
without housing in the Airbnb-fuelled climate of
Amsterdam real estate, and the idea of squatting
was proposed. Shortly afterwards, a series of
abandoned buildings were occupied and became
the Post Norma living and project space with its
manifesto of “medieval modernity”. The
department subsequently collaborated with the
Macao organisation – the biggest occupied
buildingn Milan run by open assembly – to produce
the Wandering School in 2016.

Lucky Larry’s Cosmic Commune and Macao
Taking inspiration from 20th-century utopian
novels such as News from Nowhere by William
Morris, Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy
and Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia by
Alexander Bogdanov, I initiated the New Dirty
Enterprises project in 2013, a metaphoric agent
that will cause the revolution. Functioning as an
umbrella project for other works such as the Pizza
Delivery Franchise, the Orsimanirana Sound
System, the Extra National Assembly #112, the
Hyperplasmic Composition #113, the Energy
Totems #1 – #514, the Archive for Autonomous
Beginnings and the as yet unrealised Treatise on
Human Work and Property Rights, the plan is
eventually to create a user manual for the
revolution in the form of a film, titled Orsimanirana
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