Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1


EYES ONLY: 17 April 2018 - United Nations. An interest-
ing photo of the UN Security Council Emergency meeting
following the WMD attack, shows Nikki Haley (on
screen), United States Permanent Representative to the
UN, as seen through the Russian interpretation booth

Marine Corps
Lt. General

Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad said, “Britain
was absolutely involved in faking a chemical
attack in Douma to justify the Western air
strikes” against Assad’s regime. In Moscow,
Russian Ministry of Defence spokesman
Major General Igor Konashenkov said Britain
was “directly involved in the provocation.”

As for the actual attack, Syria claimed many of
the missiles launched in the strike were shot
down before they had reached their final target

  • a claim ignored by military intelligence


analysts in London and Washington. Media
houses in Moscow said 71 cruise missiles
launched in the attack had been intercepted
and destroyed. Russia’s Ministry of Defence
confirmed the reports, claiming Syrian air
defences, supplied by the USSR over 30-years
ago, were responsible.

However, aerial imagery secured over
designated target areas reveal severe impact
damage and building destruction. One target
was Syria’s primary research and develop-
ment centre for WMD at Barzah. This was
completely destroyed. Assessments continue
to be made on other sites, but a Pentagon
official said: “We selected these targets
carefully to minimise the risk to innocent
civilians.” Marine Corps Lt. General Kenneth
McKenzie referenced the three WMD sites -
“We successfully hit every target,” he said.


US sponsored operatives, including private
independent Syrian-based concerns, collected
blood and urine samples from victims of the
attack - most tested positive for chemical
weapons, according to officials. The samples
suggested the presence of both chlorine gas
and an unnamed nerve agent. Typically, such

samples are obtained through hospitals and
collected by US or foreign intelligence assets
on the ground. Western officials said they
were “confident” in the intelligence.

Syria is known to have stock piles of the nerve
agent sarin, and has previously used a mixture
of chlorine and sarin in attacks, a US official
said. Five years ago, Eye Spy was given GPS
data of suspected locations of WMD stock-
piles. Most were stored near air bases.

Primary strike aircraft used in the attack

USAF B-1B Lancer

RAF Tornado GR4

French Air Force Rafale
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