Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1


authorised the move. Others say she was
directed to do so by then President George

However, not all commentary and analysis
was destroyed. An example being a CIA
document which shows senior AQ man Abu
Zubaydah was subjected to EIM (enhanced
interrogation methods) on no fewer than 83
occasions at the Thai site. This included
waterboarding and sleep deprivation. However,
Eye Spy was informed by senior sources that
Haspel’s tenancy of Cat’s Eye star ted after the

John McCain with President George
Bush. McCain has asked for
“clarification” of Haspel’s links with
‘Cats Eye’ - the Thai CIA Black Site

Abu Zubaydah following his arrest

February 2017. Rex Tillerson is
sworn in as Secretary of State. His
tenure lasted a little over a year

Zubaydah affair and her description as “head
of the facility” is flawed.


Senator John McCain, noting that the CIA now
outlaws EIM, asked that Haspel expand upon
her role in the Thailand operation. “The torture
of detainees in US custody during the last
decade was one of the darkest chapters in
American history,” he said. “Ms. Haspel needs
to explain the nature and extent of her
involvement in the CIA’s interrogation
programme during the confirmation process.”
McCain, also commented on Pompeo’s
appointment: “With the world order rapidly
giving way to chaos, it is more important than
ever for our nation to lead from a position of
strength on the international stage. I am
confident Mr Pompeo can meet that challenge
as Secretary of State.”

Senator Ron Wyden insisted Haspel’s
background made her unsuitable. “If Ms.
Haspel seeks to serve at the highest levels of
US Intelligence, the government can no longer
cover up disturbing facts from her past.”
Human Rights’ chapters also joined the
debate. Reprieve said that her involvement in
interrogation made her “unfit to run the

After winning the presidential race, one of
President Trump’s first destinations was CIA
headquarters, Langley, Virginia

Senator Ron Wyden
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