Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1

ollowing events in Salisbury,
the son of a former Soviet
chemical specialist and
defector, wants his father’s
body exhumed. Vladimir


Pasechnik, who lived a few miles from
the Skripal incident, was once one of
the Soviet Union’s most valued germ
warfare scientists. He spent the last
12 years of his life convinced the KGB
would kill him.

According to his son, Nikita, 53,
Pasechnik defected in 1989, and
revealed a network of laboratories
whose 10,000 scientists and techni-
cians were working on ways to
disperse disease in second wave
attacks following a nuclear strike.
“There were facilities from St
Petersburg to Novosibirsk making
tens of thousands of litres of
biological weapons agents; munitions
factories modifying missiles to spread
anthrax, ebola and smallpox.”
Pasechnik’s own laboratory was
developing a strain of plague.

In 1989, Pasechnik fled to the UK and
shared all he knew with British
Intelligence. He found work at the

Centre for Applied Microbiology and
Research at Porton Down, develop-
ing vaccines. In 2000, one year be-
fore he died, he established his
own biotechnology company, Regma
Biotechnologies. Ironically, according
to his son, he became close friends
with fellow weapons expert, Dr David
Kelly, who debriefed him after his
defection. Kelly was found dead
in suspicious circumstances in
Oxfordshire in 2003 following events
surrounding the Iraqi WMD probe.

“My father told me he knew there had
been a decision in a closed court of
the FSB to kill him, I couldn’t believe

it.” Nikita said: “I said, don’t play 007
games, who is going to kill you? I was
young and didn’t understand.”

In 2001 Pasechnik had a stroke, aged

  1. He died in hospital three weeks
    after being admitted with dizzying
    headaches. His son said that during
    one of his lucid moments “he said he
    needed to speak with Dr Kelly.”


Nikita now wants his father’s body
exhumed for toxicology testing. He
concedes that defectors are not
immortal, but another Russian being

poisoned in the same city has made
him suspicious. “If you look at all the
cases in isolation, you’ll never see the
full picture.”

Nikita added: “My father said he could
spot a Russian in any crowd... he
thought he could identify KGB intelli-
gence officers just by their stare - it’s
something about the way they look at
you - the KGB have eyes like metal...
there is this aluminium glint.”

Pasechnik’s intelligence was
confirmed by another defector who
was deputy of Russia’s biological
weapons programme - Colonel
Kanatzhan Alibekov.

Nikita and Vladimir


See Page 58



gathering of media people, Yakovenko then
delved into the Cold War book of legendary
statements: “I would like to quote President
Reagan who said ‘history shows that British
statements must be verified.’”

Despite Yakovenko’s commentary, investiga-
tors from the Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) arrived in the
UK and visited sites where forensic evidence
had been collected. They were also given
samples for independent verification. RIES OF
Initial media reports suggested Skripal and his
daughter Yulia may have been exposed to the
deadly nerve agent through the Skripal’s BMW
saloon’s ventilation system. Other sources

claim the VX was sprayed into the car, or as a
dust compound on the vehicle’s handles.
However, on 28 March, NSY Deputy Assistant
Commissioner Dean Hayden, Senior National
Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing
said: “We believe the Skripals first came into
contact with the nerve agent from their front
door. We are therefore focusing much of our
efforts in and around their address.” Investiga-
tors who searched locations in the city where
the Skripals visited, discovered the highest
concentration of VX on the front door,
suggesting it was here the victims first
touched the nerve agent.

There are also theories the attack may have
been carried out in similar fashion to that
which resulted in the demise of Kim Jong-
nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un in Malaysia, 2017. He was killed
when VX was sprayed into his face by
assailants at Kuala Lumpur International
Airport. Another point of inquiry surrounds a
number of items recovered at the Skripals
residence which were brought into the country
by Yulia. These include clothing, cosmetics
and a few gifts given to her father.

The scale of the Skripal investigation is
immense. New Scotland Yard announced it
was examining over 5,000 hours of recovered

CCTV footage; that 250 officers have been
assigned to the case; 600 statements taken
and over 1,500 ‘exhibits’ recovered. Since the
attack, of course, the West has responded by
ejecting nearly 150 Russian spies.

Sergei Skripal
caught on CCTV
a few days
before he was

High levels of VX were found on the
front door of Skripal’s house - these
have now been removed (below)

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