Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1

ussia’s Federal Security
Service (FSB) revealed
details of several counter-
terrorism raids against

FSB Launches Series of Counter-

terrorism Raids to Thwart ISIS


ISIS cells who plotted attacks in
Stavropol and Derbent as well as
Rostov and St Petersburg - two
cities hosting the 2018 FIFA World
Cup football tournament. The pre-
emptive strikes took place
following the interception of
communications between cell
members and a primary contact in
the Middle East.

In Stavropol, 21 April, counter-
terrorism officers killed an ISIS
terrorist who plotted an attack on
the local FSB headquarters and an
administrative building. The man,
who has not been named, was in
possession of a sawed-off 16-
gauge shotgun, IED components,
an Islamic State flag and a written
pledge of allegiance to the terror
group. Also of interest, layout
plans of the FSB HQ and govern-
ment building were recovered. The
suspect was killed when he
resisted arrest.

On the same day, in the town of
Derbent, Dagestan, which lies
immediately east of Chechnya,
nine terrorists were killed and one
Special Forces officer slightly
wounded during a CT operation.
The group was allegedly planning
an attack on 1 May to coincide
with a traditional holiday in
Russia, according to a statement
from the country’s National Anti-
Te rror Committee. “Nine outlaws
have been neutralised following
brief exchanges of fire with law
enforcement,” a committee official

Several days earlier in the Rostov
Region, just 290 miles from
Volgograd where England will play
their first qualifying game against
Tunisia on 18 June, three ISIS-
linked terrorists, who plotted gun
and bomb attacks, were captured.
The leader of the cell, however,
blew himself up with a homemade

bomb when security officers tried
to detain him.

In St Petersburg, close to where
the England team will be based for
the contest, seven suspects were
detained following another CT
raid. The men had been communi-
cating with a terrorist recruiter
using the Telegram Messenger
app and were expected to be
“sent for terrorism training,” an

official said. Passpor ts, mobile
phones, an AK-47 rifle, hand
grenades and instructions for the
manufacture of IEDs were found
as well as means of communica-
tion and electronic data storage
devices containing terrorist
propaganda materials.

In Moscow, senior FSB officials
have identified terrorism as the
main threat to the World Cup.

Two suspects are detained during the raids

ISIS safe house used in planning
attacks during the 2018 World Cup

FSB officers
detain ISIS

Suspected ISIS cell members caught in an early morning raid

A suspect is led away by
an FSB CT officer

FSB Director
Alexander Bortnikov

September 2017.
President Putin
holds the World Cup
trophy in a
event in Moscow
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