Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1


Candid presentation reveals Mossad’s two-

decade long pursuit of Iranian nuclear secrets

sreal’s Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, in a dramatic press confer-
ence, said his security services had
obtained around 100,000 secret
documents that prove Iran lied to the
Iworld about its past nuclear work. The
Israeli leader fur ther presented information on
how the Mossad secured material purporting
to show that Iran continues to build on its
nuclear know-how in pursuit of a fully
functioning nuclear bomb.

Netanyahu’s claims are based on documents
relating to a 1999-2003 operation in Iran that,
while it falls outside the parameters of the
current international-backed nuclear deal,
allegedly demonstrates that Tehran is acting in
bad faith with regard to its nuclear programme
codenamed Project Amad.

Netanyahu stood on a stage with a pointer. To
one side was a bookcase packed with files
that he said were Iran’s secret nuclear

reviewed are authentic.” This commentary
reveals both the CIA and the Mossad have
cooperated in sourcing the material and its
subsequent analysis.

The State Department added that “new details
in this information are consistent with a large
body of evidence and intelligence the US
Government has amassed over many years on
Iran’s past clandestine nuclear weapons
programme.” A further admission that the CIA
knew the Mossad were engaged in operations
in Iran. Analysts said Iran’s efforts to
“obfuscate this information will be a key
factor” in Trump’s decision on staying or
withdrawing from the nuclear deal on 12 May,
the USSD official said.

Watching intelligence officials from several
countries believe the documents confirm a
long-standing US suspicion that, Iran has
systematically hidden evidence of clandestine
weapons work from international inspectors.

“If there was ever any doubt, every struggling
Iranian citizen must now realise that Iran has
lost countless dollars from nuclear sanctions
for one reason, and one reason alone: the
Iranian regime’s reckless pursuit of nuclear
weapons, weapons that Supreme Leader
Khamenei personally insists are un-Islamic,”
the USSD official said. “It is long past time for

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
speaks of the Mossad operation

Netanyahu discusses the
Middle East conflict areas
with US Secretary of State
and intelligence man,
Mike Pompeo

records, covertly obtained by Israeli Intelli-
gence; alongside, a display cabinet of
compact discs.

Netanyahu then engaged in a slide presenta-
tion disclosing imagery, data and facts that
revealed the breadth of the Iranian nuclear
programme. Showing excerpts from what he
said was sourced from “half a tonne of
documents,” Netanyahu said they demon-
strated conclusively that Iran had not “come
clean” about its nuclear programme and
ambitions. For its part, Iran insisted that it
never has had and never would have a
weapons programme.


A US State Department (USSD) official stated:
“The United States has reviewed many of the
documents Israel has obtained relating to
Iran’s nuclear weapons programme. We
assess that the documents that we have


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