Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1

Iran to come clean and cooperate with
international inspections into its past weapons
work in order to convince the world it is
serious about never again pursuing nuclear


Secretary of State and former CIA Director
Mike Pompeo called Iran “the greatest
sponsor of terrorism in the world,” during a
joint press conference with Saudi Foreign
Minister Adel al-Jubeir in Riyadh, in a further
signal the United States intends to pull out of
the international Iran nuclear deal. “We are
determined to make sure it never possesses a
nuclear weapon,” Pompeo said of Iran during
his first visit to the Middle East since being
sworn in as Secretary of State. “The Iran deal
in its current form does not provide that
assurance... we will continue to work with our
European allies to fix that deal. But if a deal
cannot be reached, the [US] President has
said that he will leave that deal. We remain
deeply concerned about Iran’s dangerous
escalation of threats to Israel and the region,
and Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle
East remains.”

US President Donald Trump will now decide
whether to continue waiving sanctions on Iran
that were lifted under the Iran agreement,
formally known as the Joint Comprehensive

Plan of Action. Under
US law, the President
has to recertify the
deal every few

As par t of the 2015
pact - agreed by
Tr ump’s predecessor
Barack Obama, some
European countries
and Russia and China

  • Iran must reduce its
    uranium stockpile in
    return for international
    sanctions being lifted.


The US Secretary of State also outlined what
he called the President’s comprehensive
strategy for Iran, which includes efforts to
counter a broad array of non-nuclear threats,
including Iran’s conventional missile systems,
suppor t for Hezbollah, importation of
thousands of proxy fighters into Syria, and
assistance to Houthi rebels in Yemen.

“Iran has only behaved worse since the deal
was approved,” said Pompeo, accusing
Tehran of carrying out cyberhacking cam-
paigns and suppor ting what he described as
“Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s murder-
ous regime.” Pompeo said the United States
would continue to assist its ally Saudi Arabia
with its defence needs. “We look forward to
working closely with strong allies in counter-
ing these threats and rolling back the full range
of Iranian malign influence,” Pompeo said. He
also urged unity between the Gulf States, after
Saudi Arabia - who along with Bahrain, Egypt
and the United Arab Emirates, severed ties
with neighbouring Qatar.


Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said:
“What Israel has in its possession just
confirms what US Intelligence found more

than a decade ago. Late in 2007, we pub-
lished a controversial National Intelligence
Estimate (NIE) that said Iran had stopped its
weaponisation programme, it was doing other
stuff - the centrifuges, the missiles, and so
on.” Hayden explained the US had evidence
that Iran had stopped that work in 2003.


“This wasn’t absence
of evidence, this was
evidence of absence -
that they were no
longer working on the
programme,” Hayden
said. And he recalled
that US Intelligence
had called Iran’s
denials that it was working on a weapons
programme ‘a lie’, adding: “We always said
that although they had stopped this core
activity, they kept some other what we called
‘dual-use’ things under way.”

The intelligence community concluded at the
time that Iran was “at least keeping the option
open” of resuming the construction of a
specific weapon.

What Netanyahu has, Hayden believes, is
documentation that supports and concludes
the story that the US and the Israelis have long
told. “Iran is further away from a weapon with
this deal than they would be without it,”
Hayden said. “And we know more about the
Iranian nuclear programme with this deal than
we would know without it.” Hayden is
concerned of the implications if the United
States “walks away from the current deal.”

EU diplomatic head Federica Mogherini said
Netanyahu’s allegations of a secret Iranian
atomic weapons programme do “not put into
question” Tehran’s compliance with the 2015
Iran nuclear deal. Her viewpoint seemed to be
shared by Pompeo just a few weeks ago
during his confirmation hearing on 12 April.
Speaking about Iran’s nuclear intent, Pompeo


Mike Pompeo
and Benjamin

US and Israeli officials discuss the Iran nuclear deal

29 April. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel
al-Jubeir and Mike Pompeo

Michael Hayden

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